Documents (texts and images) will be sent by email to: with the words “Congreso Internacional Mujer Arte y Tecnología CIMUAT" followed by the name(s) of the author(s) in the subject line.
Deadlines: The deadline for the presentation of Communications is 1rst June 2010 inclusive and should be sent to the following Congress email address:
Download style page (See downloads) which will contain the following specifications:
Title: Write the title in one or two lines (max.) followed by the translation into English.
Key words: Give between 5 and 10 keywords on the content of the article. If possible, do not repeat words in the title in the article. Key words should be listed in Spanish and English separated by //.
Communication: Each Summary/Abstract must include at least one representative who wishes to be enrolled in the Congress. The Communication will be maximum 15 pages (including spaces, notes and bibliography). The manuscript must be a continuous text with the paragraphs separated by blank spaces.
Format: Word (97-2003) and Open Office.
Font and letter size: Times New Roman - 12 - Normal (not bold).
Font style: normal, except the title or subtitle which will be in bold. The position of images is again following the fig. numbers. 1. Fig.2, etc. will be written in bold type and the titles Notes, Bibliography and Figs. at the end of the document.
Margins: upper: 2,5 cm., lower: 2,5 cm., right: 3 cm., left: 3 cm.
Line spacing: 1.5 lines except for "Notes", "Bibliography", and "Figs." where it will be single. The paragraphs must be separated by blank spaces.
Presentation languages for Communications: Spanish and English.
Images/graphs: If there are any images or graphs to be included, they will be added at the end of the text, after the figs. Max 8.
The larger side of the image must not be more than 21 cm. wide (to margin), 300pp (jpg). A ref./caption must be provided for the image (see figs.) and a declaration or permit for the use thereof (see downloads). The position of the images will be shown within the text by means of Fig. 1, Fig 2, etc.
All the footnotes of the Communication will be written at the end of the document under the title "Notes" numbered from 1 following their order of appearance in the text. The notes will be written in Times New Roman 9pt with single line spacing. Each one will be in a separate paragraph separated by a blank space.
Recommendations to follow:
Complete book written by one author
FAMILY NAME, Name (of author) Book title (italic). City, Publisher, Year, page
Complete book written by two authors
FAMILY NAME, Name and FAMILY NAME, Name (of authors) Book title (italic).City, Publisher, Year, page
Complete book written by several authors
AA. VV. Book title (italic). City, Publisher, Year, page
Article published in journal
FAMILY NAME, Name "title of article" (in quotes), name of journal (italic), journal number, city, year, page
Article published in newspaper
FAMILY NAME, Name "title of article" (in quotes), name of newspaper (italics), city, date (00.00.0000), page.
Article published in catalogue
FAMILY NAME, Name "title of article" (in quotes), in the exhibition catalogue catalogue name (italics), city, publisher, year, page.
When the exact content of a footnote is repeated straight after the first mention you will write ibid or ibidem (in italics)
1 FAMILY NAME, Name (of author) Book title (italic). City, Publisher, Year, page
2 Ibidem (italic).
If the same reference for a footnote is repeated you will write op.cit (in italics)
1 FAMILY NAME, Name (of author) Book title (italics). City, Publisher, Year, page …
13 FAMILY NAME, Name (of author) op.cit (in italics) Page
If you use abbreviations in the communication they must be defined the first time they appear before being used just as abbreviation. Example: CIMUAT (International Congress: Woman, Art and Technology on the New Public Sphere). Please do not define or use abbreviations in the title.
If the author thinks it appropriate she/he should include the bibliography he has used. It will be included at the end of the document, after the footnotes.
It will be written in Times New Roman 9pt. using single spacing.
Each one will be in a separate paragraph, separated by a blank space and they will be listed in alphabetical order by author's surname.
The captions for each of the images will be at the end of the document after the "Notes" and "Bibliography" in the section called "Figs.". They will describe the image and show the author or authors, title and year written in Times New Roman, 9pt.
Fig. 1. Photo Description. Author (name and surname), year.
The name of each will be: Fig. 1, Fig. 2. etc, in the order they appear in the text. It will be written in Times New Roman 9pt. bold type.
Communications presented in this manner will be available on the Congress website where a theme forum will also be created allowing for an interchange of ideas on the communications. As well as text, the virtual lectures can contain graphics, video, sound, etc.
Lectures in this mode will enable a far wider participation for Congress attendees the world-over without their having to travel and so will generate a rich cultural interchange which will enrich the conclusions and the debate on the Congress.
Sending by email. The following data will also be emailed to:
In the subject line the communication will be described with the words “Congreso Internacional Mujer Arte y Tecnología CIMUAT" followed by the name(s) of the author(s).
Graphic, audiovisual and sound elements over 8MB must be sent on CD or DVD to the following address:
Congreso Int. Mujer, Arte y Tecnología Departamento de Escultura (Sculpture Department), Camino de Vera, s/n 46022 VALENCIA