COMMUNICATION: CIMUAT, The International Congress on Woman, Art and Technology in the New Public Sphere (Congreso Internacional Mujer, Arte y Tecnología en la Nueva Esfera Pública) will take place at Valencia Polytechnic University on 3rd and 4th November 2010.
The aim of this International Congress is to bring together artists and researchers to present innovative lectures on the convergence between art, woman and technology while bringing together varied communities and offering a meeting and debating forum on contemporary practice, ideas and social make-up linked to the theme of gender in the new public sphere.
The trans-disciplinary convergence between technology and art provides an unprecedented chance for both male and female artists who use these resources. The use of modern media (electronic, digital, net-art, cyber-activism and cyber-feminism, interactive art, video-installation, video-art, digital photography, sound-art, virtual reality, increasing reality, etc.) leads us to put to the test the very notion of how art is produced and shown, facts which encourage us to question and evaluate the content as well as its function within society.
At this Congress, various different areas of knowledge converge and the live wire linking them meet mainly in contributions from theory to praxis, coinciding especially in the capacity to visualise demonstrations artistically, to question and break the idea of gender roles and stereotypes refuted by feminism and which still last even in this day and age in the western world. We must highlight specifically the role of public art, as well as social and activist networks in the creation of a new public sphere.
The Congress is aimed fundamentally at both male and female researchers, experts in visual arts, specialists in gender studies, technology, digital platforms and networks, as well as teachers, educators, art historians, museum curators, university students and the general public.
Communications and Posters will contain material relevant to the Congress and must be on one of the following themes. The Scientific Committee will study communications relating to:
Organisation Committee:
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Congress Directors:
Mau Monleón Pradas and Empar Cubells Casares