VERY IMPORTANT: if you are going to contribute a poster or you are going to make an oral presentation, at the time of registration must submit the pdf (see Rules and Format). Therefore, do not start the registration process until you have the material ready.
To register you should access to the link at the bottom of this page and follow the steps detailed below:
We recommend you to be validates through UPV Intranet before starting with the registration. If you are not, you will find the following screen:
If you do not belong to the UPV, you can create a user clicking "Create your CFP account" and follow the registration process.
If you have a user from the Centro de Formación Permanente (CFP) you can use the left option. If not you should use the UPVNET validation, on the right side of the screen.
Once validated, you will find the following screen. Click "Next" once you have read it.
Please, check your data and continue if everything is correct.
There are 3 types of registration, among which we will choose one in the field "Please choose your type of registration":
Participating with a presentation, the author authorizes the Universitat Politècnica de València to publish it in digital format, with the aim of disseminating the research carried out at the university.
The registration tool has established three groups of participants:
If you are assisting, but not presenting, you must select "Choose priority 1" in the Group “Group Asistencia” and "I will not attend" for the other groups
When presenting a poster, you must select "Choose priority 1" in the “Group Póster” and "I will not attend" for the other groups
When presenting an oral communication (Pitch Challenge), you must select "Choose priority 1" in the Group “Group Oral” and "I will not attend" the other groups
Those participating on type 2 or 3 (poster or oral communication), must upload the required documentation (see section Rules and format).
Once the process is completed you will receive a confirmation email.
This is an automatic email generated by the enrolment tool.