Dr. Ana M. Moragues Faus Research Associate in Universitat Politècnica de València, Departament of Economics and Social Science Tel: 0034 96 3877000 ext 74708 Complete CV |
Research interests |
My interests revolve around sustainable agri-food systems, civic food networks, food governance, collective action, social movements, farmers' strategies, sustainable rural development and action-research. |
Work biography |
European PhD in Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Policies, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (With Honours, Cum Laude), 2008-2011.Thesis title: How is agriculture sustained? Following farmers from the field to the market. A case study of olive oil in a Mediterranean Region. Master of Science, Agri-food and Environmental Economics, Expert on Agrarian Policies and Rural Development, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, 2006-2008 Master of Agricultural Engineering, Expertise on Environment, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, 2004-2006 Bachelor of Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, 2001-2004 Research experience: My first steps as a researcher were at the end of my masters, tackling the analysis of Rural and Agrarian Policies in Latin America in collaboration with different departments of UPV, and involving a stay in Nicaragua (2006). From this point I started my PhD on rural and agrarian change in the Department of Economics and Social Science with funding from the FPU Programme (Training Programme for University Teachers) of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Throughout my doctoral thesis I have been analyzing how agriculture in a low-productivity Mediterranean rural area is sustained, focusing mostly on the farmers’ strategies in terms of management of their holdings but also in the development of cooperative and individual initiatives to establish short food supply chains. The consideration of the social and territorial dimensions of embeddedness allowed me to examine the process of construction of quality products but also to deepen in the understanding of how this web of different types of farmers was reproduced, drawing out conclusions in terms of governance and rural development dynamics. During my PhD also part of my work involved participating in several research projects tackling the linkages between agriculture, rural development and environmental issues which, among developing other skills, have required conducting quantitative research. Along this period I also had the opportunity of visiting twice Cardiff University. These stays were particularly fruitful in terms of training in qualitative methodologies, deepening into theoretical approaches (mostly revolving around sustainable rural development and food systems) and situating my work in the international debates. These experiences have ran parallel to my involvement with NGOs and peasant movements (since 2004), which has led me to participate in diverse activities in terms of project assessment and training around the right to water and food, and at the moment are also materialised through the engagement with action-research projects. After finishing my thesis I started working as a research assistant in UPV and new research questions appeal to me. At the moment I am interested in the emergence and evolvement of sustainable food systems, particularly in the role that farmers are playing or might play, and also about how these sustainable food systems are constructed, how they are reproduced and how they can be scaled-up.
Publications |
Moragues-Faus A.M. and Sonnino R.(2012) Embedding Quality in the Agri-food System: The Dynamics and Implications of Place-Making Strategies in the Olive Oil Sector of Alto Palancia, Spain. Sociologia Ruralis 52, 215-234 Moragues-Faus A.M. and Ortiz-Miranda D.(2012) Governing cooperative quality schemes: olive oil initiatives in the Region of Valencia (Spain). Outlook on Agriculture 41, 27-33 Ortiz D., Moreno O. and Moragues A.M. (2010) Innovative strategies of agricultural cooperatives in the framework of the new rural development paradigms. The case of the Region of Valencia (Spain) Environment and Planning A 42 (3) pp, 661-677. Moragues-Faus, A.M. and D. Ortiz-Miranda (2010) Local mobilisation against windfarm developments in spanish rural areas: New actors in the regulation arena. Energy Policy, 38(8) pp. 4232-4240. Books and book chapters
Conference papers Moragues Faus A.M. (2011) The role of farm and place in shaping farmers’ collective strategies: A comparative case study of olive oil cooperatives in Alto Palancia County, Spain. AESOP Third Sustainable Food Planning Thematic Group Meeting. Cardiff, UK, 28-29 October. Moragues Faus A.M., Ortiz Miranda D. and Arnalte Alegre E. (2011) From the field to the market: Sustaining small scale olive farming XXIV European Society for Rural Sociology Congress: Inequality and Diversity in European Rural Areas. Chania, Crete, 22-25 August.. Ortiz Miranda D., Arnalte Alegre E., Moragues Faus A. and Doñate Hernández S. (2011) Las explotaciones agrarias de servicios: la configuración de una vía de gestión de la agricultura. VIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Economía Agraria: El sistema agroalimentario y el mundo rural en una economía innovadora y sostenible. Madrid, Spain, 15-16 September. Arnalte Alegre E., Ortiz Miranda D., Moragues Faus A. and Moreno Pérez O.M. (2011) Análisis comparado de la diferenciación de explotaciones familiares en tres sistemas agrarios. VIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Economía Agraria: El sistema agroalimentario y el mundo rural en una economía innovadora y sostenible. Madrid, Spain, 15-16 September. Moragues Faus A.M., Ortiz Miranda D. and Arnalte Alegre E. (2009) Emergence and evolution of ‘protest’ actors in rural territories: the case of the development of the Wind Energy Plan in the Region of Valencia (Spain) XXIII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress: Re-Inventing the Rural: Between the Social and the Natural. Vaasa, Finland, 17-21 August. Moragues Faus, A.M. (2009) Análisis de las Políticas de Desarrollo Rural en América Latina. El caso de Nicaragua (Poster) I Jornadas de Tecnología para el Desarrollo Humano, Ayuda Humanitaria y Emergencias. Organizado por el Centro de Cooperación al Desarrollo de la Universitat Politècnica de València. Valencia, Spain, 7-8 May Moragues Faus A.M. and Ortiz Miranda D. (2009) Procesos de restructuración rural de origen no agrario en la Comunidad Valenciana: Regulación, Dependencia y Conflicto. VI Congreso de la Asociación Española de Economía Agraria: De la Economía Agraria a la Economía Rural y Agroalimentaria. Albacete, Spain, 19-21 September. Winner of the prize for "Best Novel Contribution". |