Dionisio ORTIZ MIRANDA Professor Department of Economics and Social Sciences E-mail. dortiz@esp.upv.es Tlf. (+34) 963877000 (ext. 74722) |
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Biography outline |
Professor in the Department of Economics and Social Sciences from 2000. Agricultural Engineer (University of Córdoba, 1996) and PhD in the Department of Agricultural Economics also in Córdoba (2000) with a research on the field of Institutional Economics. Stay in the Department of Land Economy at the University of Cambridge (UK) in 2004. At present, he is Assistant Head of the Department in charge of the doctoral program and research activities. He has participated in a number of European and national research projects. Currently he leads the UPV team in the FP7-EU project TRANSMANGO "Assessment of the impact of drivers of change on Europe's food and nutrition security" (www.transmango.eu). |
Fields of interest |
Rural and agricultural economics, institutional economics, rural development, rural policies |
Recent publications |
Peer-reviewed papers Ortiz, D. and Moragues (2013) Governing Fair Trade Coffee Supply: Dynamics and Challenges in Small-farmers Organisations. Sustainable Development. In press Ortiz, D. and Hodge, I. (2012) Entre la propiedad agraria y la ambiental: El debate respecto a los derechos de propiedad de la tierra. Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, 231: 31-62. Moragues, A. and Ortiz, D. (2012) Governing cooperative quality schemes: some lessons from olive oil initiatives in the Region of Valencia (Spain). Outlook on Agriculture, 41(1): 27-33 Moreno, O., Arnalte, E. and Ortiz, D. (2011) Breaking down the growth of family farms: A case study of an intensive Mediterranean agriculture. Agricultural Systems, 114: 500-511. Moragues, A. and Ortiz, D. (2010) Local mobilisation against windfarm developments in Spanish rural areas: new actors in the regulation arena. Energy Policy, 38: 4232–4240. Ortiz, D., Moreno, O.M. and Moragues A. (2010) Innovative strategies of agricultural cooperatives in the framework of the new rural development paradigms. The case of the Region of Valencia (Spain). Environment and Planning A, 42: 661-677. Moreno O.M. and Ortiz, D. (2008) Understanding structural adjustment in Spanish arable crop farms: policies, technology and multifunctionality. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(2): 153-165. Ortiz, D. (2008) Los derechos de propiedad en la regulación ambiental del espacio rural. ARBOR: 729: 45-55. Arnalte, E., Ortiz, D. and Moreno, O. (2008) Cambio estructural en la agricultura española: Un nuevo modelo de ajuste en el inicio del siglo XXI. Papeles de Economía Española, 117: 59-73. Hodge, I. and Ortiz, D. (2007) An institutional transactions approach to property rights adjustment: an application to Spanish agriculture. Environment and Planning A, 39(7): 1735-1751. Congresses and seminars participations Ortiz-Miranda, D., Analte-Alegre, E. and Moragues-Faus, A. (2013) What role for Southern European agriculture in the period of crisis? Some hypothesis and preliminary results from Spain. XXVth ESRS Congress 29 July – 1 August 2013, Florence, Italy . Ortiz, D., Arnalte, E., Moragues, A. and Doñate, S. (2011) Las explotaciones agrarias de servicios: la configuración de una vía de gestión de la agricultura. VIII Congreso de Economía Agraria. Madrid. Arnalte, E., Ortiz, D., Moragues, A. and Moreno. O. (2011) Análisis comparado de la diferenciación de explotaciones familiares en tres sistemas agrarios. VIII Congreso de Economía Agraria. Madrid. Moragues, A., Ortiz D. and Arnalte, E. (2011) From the field to the market: sustaining small scale olive farming. XXIV European Congress for Rural Sociology, Chania, Crete. Ortiz, D. (2006) An institutional economic approach to the process of structural adjustment in Spanish arable farms. “96th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists “Causes and Impacts of Agricultural Structures. Tänikon (Suiza) Moreno, O., Muñoz, C. and Ortiz, D. (2004) Short-circuiting the rural function of agriculture: a case study from rural Spain. 90th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists "Multifuncional agriculture, policies and markets: understanding the critical linkages". Rennes. Book chapters Ortiz-Miranda, D., Moragues-Faus, A. and Arnalte-Alegre, E. (2013) Introduction: Reframing Agriculture in Mediterranean Europe. In Ortiz-Miranda, D., Moragues-Faus, A. and Arnalte-Alegre, E. (ed.) Agriculture in Mediterranean Europe: Between Old and New Paradigms (Research in Rural Sociology and Development, Volume 19), Emerald, pp.1-8 Moragues-Faus, A., Ortiz-Miranda, D. and Marsden, T. (2013) Bringing Mediterranean Agriculture into the Theoretical Debates. In Ortiz-Miranda, D., Moragues-Faus, A. and Arnalte-Alegre, E. (Ed.) Agriculture in Mediterranean Europe: Between Old and New Paradigms (Research in Rural Sociology and Development, Volume 19), Emerald, pp.9-35 Arnalte-Alegre, E. and Ortiz-Miranda D. (2013) The ‘Southern Model’ of European Agriculture Revisited: Continuities and Dynamics. In Ortiz-Miranda, D., Moragues-Faus, A. and Arnalte-Alegre, E. (ed.) Agriculture in Mediterranean Europe: Between Old and New Paradigms (Research in Rural Sociology and Development, Volume 19), Emerald, pp.37-74. Ortiz-Miranda, D., Moragues-Faus, A. and Arnalte-Alegre, E. (2013), Agriculture in Mediterranean Europe: Challenging Theory and PolicyIn Ortiz-Miranda, D., Moragues-Faus, A. and Arnalte-Alegre, E. (ed.) Agriculture in Mediterranean Europe: Between Old and New Paradigms (Research in Rural Sociology and Development, Volume 19), Emerald, pp.295-310 Ortiz, D. and Moreno, O.M. (2009) “Cambio estructural en las explotaciones de regadío”. In Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Calatrava J.; Garrido, A.; Sáez, F.J. and Xabadía, A. (Eds) La economía del agua de riego en España. Fundación CAJAMAR. Almeria. Pgs. 115-126. Gallardo, R., Ortiz, D., Ramos, F. and Ceña, F. (2007) The emergence of territories in the processes of rural development. In Basili, C.; Fanfani, R.; Rastoin, J.L. (Coords.) Knowledge, sustainability and bioresources in the further development of the agri-food system. Bolonia University Press, Bolonia, Italia Arnalte, A. and Ortiz, D. (2006) Tendenze dell’agricoltura spagnola. Difficoltà di attuazione di un modello di sviluppo rurale basato sulla multifunzionalità in agricultura. In Cavazzani, A., Gaudio, G. and Sivini, S. (a cura di) Politiche, Governance e Innovazione per le Aree Rurali. Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane. INEA. Roma. Págs. 135-148. Arnalte, E., Moreno, O. and Ortiz, D. (2005) "La agriculture espagnole dans la PAC. Entre le marché et la régulation". In Ceña, F., Elloumi, M; Gallardo, R; Sai, M.B (Dirs.) Les défis de la terre. L’agriculture en Espagne et en Tunisie face aux défis de la libéralisation.CERES – Editions. Tunisia. Pgs. 49-63. Ortiz, D. and Estruch, V. (2004) The role of agri-environmental measures in the definition of property rights. En van Huylenbroeck, G., Verbeke, W. and Lauwers, L. (Eds.) Role of Institutions in Rural Policies and Agricultural Markets. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 335-348. Hodge, I. and Ortiz, D. (2004) Institutional arrangements for the agri-environment: objectives, local conditions and institutional choices. In Lünger, A. et al. (Ed.) Land use systems in grassland-dominated regions. VDF, Zurich. Pág. 27-37. Monographs Ortiz-Miranda, D., Moragues-Faus, Ana and Arnalte-Alegre, E. (2013) Agriculture in Mediterranean Europe: Between Old and New Paradigms. Series Research in Rural Sociology & Development v. 19. Emerald, Bingley (UK) Ortiz, D. and Mestre, M. (Coord.) (2008) Estrategias colectivas para el desarrollo rural. El caso de las cooperativas de la Comunidad Valenciana. Federación de Cooperativas Agrarias Valencianas (FECOAV). Valencia. |