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D. Gabriel Songel González
The direction of the Chair is under the supervision of Dr. Gabriel Songel González. Professor of Design at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Since 1988. Ph.D. in Design Methodology from the School of Engineering in 1991. Master in Industrial Design at InDesign in Milan (1985-1987). Founder of the Design Research and Management Group. Founder member of Innoarea Design Consulting Spinoff EBT at UPV. Commissary of the exhibitions Diseño Visión Innovación, Valencia Diseño Innovación, and 30 years of Industrial Design at Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. It is recognized by the CNEAI of the Spanish Ministry of Education for four six-year periods of Research and one six-year period of Transference in Design.

Alejandro Hernández
Expert in product design and marketing strategic integration management and former student at the Degree in Industrial Design at ETSID, who, after decades of professional experience with Asian suppliers, has identified a common requirement for training professionals in Spanish companies to be able to deal successfully up to date in this situation.


Huang Yi
Head of CSAL, Center for Academic and Linguistic Services; sponsoring company of the Chair.  Its core activity is the location of advanced talent to collaborate with Chinese universities and institutions. Regarding talent recruitment, UPV's training, research, and transfer model has been identified as a pioneer with good results and, especially in Industrial Design, leaders in Spain.

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