Generalitat Valenciana |
A web site about the Government of the Region of Valencia. It offers information of institutional matters, connects to other sites of official bodies governed by the regional authority. |
Ayuntamiento de Valencia |
Web site of the City Council of Valencia, in which you can find a street map, information about topics related with the city and their inhabitants and the history of the city. |
Ayuntamiento de Alicante |
Web site of the City Council of Alicante (South of Valencia). |
Ayuntamiento de Castellón |
Web site of the City Council of Castellón (North of Valencia). |
Página de turismo de la provincia de Valencia |
You will find the necessary information when visiting Valencia. Information on transports, lodgings, restaurants, and leisure offers among other options. |
Comunitat Valenciana cities (in Spanish) |
To find information of any town inside the Valencian Region |
Infoville (in Spanish) |
An important section dedicated to tourism in the region. |
Valencia On-line |
Useful tourist information about Valencia, history, places of interest, museums. |
Museo Nacional de Cerámica (in Spanish) |
The National Museum of Ceramic ?González Martí? is located in the emblematic building of the Marqués de dos Aguas. In this Museum pieces of a high artistic values are shown. |
Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno |
Modern Arts exhibitions are shown in this emblematic building. |
Museo Fallero (in Spanish) |
The most "Valencian" Museum. |
Feria de Valencia |
Exhibition centre for trade fairs such as the International Furniture Fair. |
Strategy and Development Centre of Valencia |
Web Site contributing to human progress in the city. |