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Business English (B2+)

Subject name

Business English (B2+)


At the end of this subject, students should have reached the oral and written skills of upper intermediate English, equivalent to the B2+ level linguistic level defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) of the Council of Europe.
Therefore, the course has as general objectives that students:
1. Understand any type of oral discourse, whether it be informal conversations or academic and/or professional discourse.
2. Understand the main ideas of complex texts on concrete or abstract topics, including technical and academic topics belonging to your field of study.
3. Can interact with a level of fluency and spontaneity that facilitates interaction with native speakers with a minimum of effort on both sides. Ability to use strategies for cooperation, negotiation and the construction of a clear and cohesive discourse.
4. Be able to produce clear and detailed texts on various topics and textual typologies, both everyday and academic and/or professional, being able to express their opinions and support them by exposing the advantages and disadvantages of each point of view.

Recommended prior knowledge

Language knowledge equivalent to level B2 described by the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (MRE) of the Council of Europe.

Teaching units

  1. Employment
  2. Company Organization
  3. Online Business
  4. Marketing
  5. Production
  6. Project Management

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