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Engineering of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials (4B)
International Office Campus of Alcoy Study programs Mechanical Engineering of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials (4B)  ...

Subject name

Engineering of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials


  • Classification and use of polymer matrix composite materials.
  • Identification and characterization techniques of polymer matrix composite materials.
  • Short and long term mechanical behaviour of polymer matrix composites.
  • Optimization of polymer matrix composites.
  • Selection criteria.


  1. Fundamentals of composite materials in engineering.
  2. Fiber-matrix interactions.
  3. Polymer matrices in composites: thermoplastics, thermosetting and elastomers.
  4. Reinforcement fibers in composites: carbon, glass, aramid, basalt, other synthetic fibers, natural fibers.
  5. Mechanical properties of polymer matrix composite materials. Prediction by finite element analysis (FEA) and micromechanics.
  6. Tuples and arrays
  7. Manufacturing and main applications of composite materials: aeronautics, aerospace, construction, transport, building, medical, electronics, sports, other sectors.
  8. Green composites. Environmentally friendly composite matrices and reinforcements.

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