Seminar: Practical design of antennas for wireless devices using
commercial electromagnetic simulation software
The aim of this seminar is to initiate the students into the use of electromagnetic software tools to
design antennas for multi-standard wireless terminals, and learn the different techniques used to
design this type of antennas.
CST Microwave Studio and FEKO software will be used in the seminar.
At the end of the seminar, students will be able to develop their own compact planar antenna
designs for wireless terminals working with GSM, UMTS, LTE, Wifi, Bluetooth, WiMAX and
UWB systems. Knowledge of the use of these commercial electromagnetic packages would help the
student to face the design of other electromagnetic structures as waveguides and microwave
Recommended knowledge
Antennas and Microwaves. Attendance to the seminar “Antennas for Communications” is also
Practical designs and exercises proposed at the seminar will be used for the evaluation. Moreover, a
final design of a multiband antenna for a multi-standard device should be performed by the students
for the evaluation.
Learning Units