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Distributed Real Time Systems

Distributed Real Time Systems


The subject is focused in the research and development of distributed real time systems (DRTS), applied to different fields, but especially to Command and Control Information Systems (C2IS). The subject starts with an introduction to main concepts related with real time systems (predictability, task management, reliability and monitoring). Particularly, communications architectures to give support to distributed real time systems are studied in a second block, keeping in mind DRTS requirements and available network technologies. The next block introduces Command and Control Information Systems as example of DRTS. Main concepts related with this kind of systems, and a deep C2IS system development analysis, are included. The fourth block address tactical communications requirements and implementation as capital matter related with C2IS. To finish some projects and cases of study of C2IS application for emergency management are analyzed.

Recommended knowledge

Informatics, telematics and/or, telecommunication engineering knowledge.


Objetive test and optional miniprojects

Learning Units

  • 1. Real Time Systems fundamentals
  • 2. Distributed Real Time Systems communication architectures
  • 3. Command and Control Information Systems (C2IS)
  • 4. Tactical communications
  • 5. C2IS applied to emergency management: study of cases


Manuel Esteve Domingo







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