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Familia Numerosa

If you belong to large preference, you have total exemption from payment of tuition fees.

- If you belong to General Large Family, 50% bonus payment of tuition fees.

The large family status is credited by official or by the corresponding license.

If your accreditation is issued by the Valencia, it is not necessary supporting documentation contributions, since your condition large family will be checked directly through an electronic consultation to the competent consellería in this area.

If your accreditation is issued by another region, you must submit your supporting documentation center.

You must meet the requirements at the beginning of the school year, taken to be from the beginning of the registration period until 30 September.

If this date the title is pending, you can get the benefits in your school certifying the filing of the application for recognition or renewal, as well as an affidavit of the category in which the extended family is classified. Now if before December 31 this year show no justification for the title, they will automatically override the benefits granted and must pay the full amount. If you are granted a degree of lower grade than that declared in enrollment, you must pay the corresponding difference.

Moreaboutthe regulations

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