Guided tours and workshops for secondary-school and sixth-form students. Free visits from Monday to Friday during term time from 9am to 7pm, as well as film seasons, exhibitions and scheduled events for the general public.
Guided tours
The application must indicate: date, name of school, number of students (maximum 25), year and educational cycle, number of tutors, person in charge (name, surnames, mobile phone and e-mail) and preferred language (Valencian or Spanish).
Scratch Workshop
The application must indicate: date, name of school, number of students (maximum 40), year and educational cycle, number of tutors, person in charge (name, surnames, mobile phone and e-mail) and preferred language (Valencian or Spanish). In addition, to complete the reservation you must provide the name, surnames and ID nos. of the students and the tutors or persons in charge of the group. No previous knowledge of programming or of the Scratch platform is required.
Retrocomputing Workshop
The application must indicate: date, name of school, number of students (maximum 25), year and educational cycle, number of tutors, person in charge (name, surnames, mobile phone and e-mail), and programming experience of the students.
E-mail ( ) and telephone (96 387 72 00).
Schedule your chosen activity with qualified guides on the date available in the Museum of Information Technology visitor calendar.
Confirm the scheduled visit at least 2 days in advance.
For the guided tours, do the previous educational activities recommended by the museum.
Responsible and reasonable use of the museum’s materials and facilities.
Working days, Monday to Friday, from 9am to 2pm.
Museo de Informática
ETS de Ingeniería Informática (edificios 1E, 1F y 1G)
Camino de Vera, s/n
46022 Valencia
Tel: +34 96 387 72 00 E-mail: