Erasmus + KA 107. Estudiantes y personal de la UPV
This programme is established by the European Commission and National Agencies of Programme countries are responsible for its execution as indirect management. National Agencies are those who perform the tasks of budget implementation, promote and implement the programme at national level and act as links between the European Commission and the participating organizations.
Programme countries: are those that are fully involved in the Erasmus+ programme. Therefore, they have established a National Agency in its territory and contribute financially to the programme (the 33 countries of the programme are the 28 member countries of the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey).
Partner Countries: all other countries.
The Key Action KA107 provides two different types of mobility support (scholarship and travel aid) and transfer of Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate and Staff. Support for travel aid range between 180.-¿ and 1.100 .-¿ according to the distance between the university origin and the university destination
The amounts for individual aids will be:
For students from associated countries to the UPV: 800 .-¿ / month
For students from UPV to the associated countries: 650 .-¿ /month
The amount of the mobility of Staff will be from UPV to the associated countries: 160 .-¿ /day
The amount of the mobility of Staff will be from the associated countries to UPV: 120 .-¿ /day
The Spanish Service for Internationalization of Education (SEPIE), is the Spanish National Agency for the management, dissemination, promotion and impact studies of the new Erasmus+ programme in the field of education and training (2014-2020).
More information in the project website: