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Language Requirements for exchange students
I'd like to study at UPV! (exchange students) Language Requirements for exchange students  ...

Non-EU/EFTA students
(overseas students)

ERASMUS+ and Swiss students
(Intra-European mobility)
Can I be admitted to study
only in English


The following information applies to students accepted under the following programs:

  • Direct Exchange Program with non-European institutions
  • KA107/KA171 students who receive Erasmus+ financial support through UPV

Requirements to enroll in courses (subjects) in Spanish

Level B1 of CEFR (upper-intermediate).

We welcome official SIELE or DELE certificates, but we also accept a transcript of records showing that you have completed Spanish courses in the past or a certificate signed by your home university confirming your Spanish level.

Requirements to enroll in courses (subjects) or projects in English

Level B2 of CEFR (upper-intermediate).

English certificates we can accept:

  • TOEFL ibT (min. 80 points) or level B2 in another internationally recognized English test, such as IELTS, TOEIC, Linguaskill, TELC, UNIcert, British Council APTIS, Trinity College Integrated Skills in English (ISE) or Pearson Test of English (PTE Academic).
  • Freestyle document signed by the home university (International Services, Language Teacher, etc.) confirming your current English level.
  • Native English speakers do not need to present any certificates

English courses are highly demanded. The capacity of these courses is limited, and we cannot always guarantee enrollment.

We will do our best to prioritize enrollment in English courses for students accepted under these programs, but we cannot always guarantee a spot in each of your choices.


Requirements to enroll in courses (subjects) in Spanish

Italian and Portuguese native speakers: in most UPV Schools and Faculties, it is not obligatory to present an external Spanish language certificate, but there are a couple of exceptions. See the detailed chart below.

Applicants who do not have a formal Spanish certificate must sign and upload the document named “SELF-CERTIFICATION OF SPANISH LANGUAGE LEVEL”. Applicants will have to upload it with the rest of the application documents before the deadline (15 May, 15 October).

All other students: the requirement is established by each UPV School and Faculty. In most cases, it is level B1 of CEFR. Please see the detailed chart below.

Spanish certificates we accept:

-Instituto Cervantes certificates (
- Languagecert USAL esPro
- Statement signed by home university - ONLY IF YOU USE THIS TEMPLATE

Requirements to enroll in courses (subjects) or projects in English (* read note below)

Level B2 of CEFRL or above.

English certificates we can accept:

- Internationally recognized English certificates: TOEFL ibT (min. 80 points), IELTS, Linguaskill, TELC, UNIcert¿, British Council APTIS, Trinity College Integrated Skills in English (ISE), Pearson Test of English (PTE Academic)

- [Freestyle] Document issued by home university (International Services, Language Teacher, or Center for Foreign Languages) confirming current English level (B2 or above)



Check the requirements of the School, Faculty or campus that you will be applying to.

Your choices will be determined by the Erasmus / student exchange agreement signed with your home university, and by your current field of studies




(*) Read note


Italian or Portuguese native speakers who do not have an official Spanish certificate are allowed to attach a self-certification.
(use this model)

School / Faculty accepts language certificates after the deadline for application
(but always before 15 July or 15 December)

If allowed, you must always upload this document with your application documents before the application deadline
(15 May, 15 Oct.)
signed by your home university, checking the last option)

ETSA -School of Architecture
ETSIAMN - School of Agricult. Engineering
& Environment
ETSIGCT - School of Eng. in Geodesy,
Cartography & Surveying
ETSINF - School of Informatics
ETSIT - School of Telecom. Eng.

Spanish B1

English B2



ETSICCP - School of Civil Engineering Spanish B1

Spanish B2: MSc in Concrete Engineering / MSc Hydraulic Eng.
& the Environment
English B2 Yes Yes

ETSIE- School of Building Engineering

Spanish B1

Spanish B2
for master's degrees

English B2



ETSID - School of Design Engineering

Spanish B1

English B2



ETSII - School of Industrial Engineering

Spanish B1

Spanish B2 in some master's degrees

English B2

+ Spanish A2


Except in some
master's degrees


FADE - Faculty of Business Admin.
and Management

Spanish B2

English B2



FBBAA - Faculty of Fine Arts

Spanish A2

Except: Spanish B1 for Conservation and Restauration Master Programs

English B2 Yes No
EPSG - campus Gandia Spanish B1 English B2 Yes Yes
EPSA - campus Alcoy

Spanish A2

Except: B1
for courses
from the MBA and MScin Textile Eng

English B2


Except in the MSc in Textile Eng.


(*) Can I be admitted at UPV to enroll only in courses or projects taught in English?

Exchange students enroll in the same courses offered to our regular (degree) students. Some of these courses are in English, but the primary language of instruction remains Spanish.

Link to list of courses taught in English
updated in May for the following academic year).

- English courses (subjects) are highly demanded. The capacity of these courses is limited.

We often have many more applicants than seats available, and we cannot always guarantee enrollment.

- In most cases, the answer to the question above is NO. Courses in English will complement courses taught in Spanish, and exchange students will be admitted on the assumption that they are also ready to follow courses in Spanish when necessary.

Presenting a Spanish language certificate (with the level required by each UPV host School / Faculty) will give you a much wider choice of courses at UPV.

Some exceptions apply

a) students from overseas (non-European home institutions): Direct Exchange program and students who receive a KA107/KA171 Erasmus scholarship from UPV.

b) students admitted by a UPV teacher to do project work in English, such as preparation of bachelor or master thesis, the European Project Semester (ETSID School), or the International Seminars in Life Sciences (ETSIAMN School).

c) exceptional cases approved by each UPV School or Faculty with certain partner universities.

- Italian and Portuguese native speakers are expected to enroll in courses(subjects) taught in Spanish, not in English

In the application and pre-arrival phase, these students should prepare a study program with courses taught in Spanish. Once at UPV, it might be possible to enroll in some courses taught in English, but only when there are no capacity problems in those courses. This will only be confirmed during the period of registration for the courses at the beginning of each semester.

- When applying to UPV, you must select one UPV host School or Faculty.

Depending on the agreement(s) signed with your university, there may be several choices, but your choice has to be consistent with your studies in your home country.

Your home university will inform UPV about the agreement or study area under which you have been selected and this will determine the choice of a host School / Faculty at UPV.

​-You must take most credits from programs (degrees) available in your host UPV School / Faculty.

You may apply for some credits per semester from another UPV School / Faculty (except students who apply for our Alcoy campus).

The limit of credits outside your host School / Faculty is 12 credits in one semester or 24 credits for two semesters (full academic year), as long as you enroll in 30 or 60 ECTS, respectively. If you enroll in fewer credits, this limit will be reduced accordingly.

- Do not expect to take English courses outside your host UPV School / Faculty.

Do not take courses outside your host School or Faculty for granted, especially courses in English.

Courses taught in a different School / Faculty are often restricted to students with a specific academic background. English courses are often really full and the School in charge will prioritize enrollment for students accepted under their own agreements.

Once at UPV, it might be possible to get a spot in an English course taught at another School, but only if there are no capacity problems and if the course has no particular prerequisites. This will only be confirmed during the period of registration for the courses at the beginning of each semester.

- The courses included in your application are just a preliminary list. A letter/email of admission at UPV is not a guarantee of enrollment in each of those courses

Even if we sign your Erasmus+ Learning agreement containing specific UPV courses, you must understand this simply as a pre-approval, not as a guarantee of enrollment. You will have to reconfirm your list of courses right before the beginning of the semester (this time after checking the timetables). Then, UPV staff will check the capacity (seats available) and all the reconfirmed requests.

For particular cases, please consult with the staff of the International Office of the UPV host School, Faculty, or campus where you apply.

EMAS upv