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Sobre Seguros durante una estancia Erasmus Estudios (curso 2023-24)
I have been awarded a scholarship for an exchange programme Instructions for outgoing students Sobre Seguros durante una estancia Erasmus Estudios (curso 2023-24)  ...

During an Erasmus mobility for studies 2023-2024 (semester or full academic year in a partner institution), all participants must have coverage for two types of insurance.

It is MANDATORY for each student to be responsible for having both insurance policies in force before traveling to the destination university and that the coverage dates cover the entire period of in-person mobility.

The financial aid payment will not be made effective if, during the review of documents to be uploaded by the student on their mobility file, UPV staff detect that the student has not presented both insurance policies or if the coverage or dates are correct.


    Option 1)European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or provisional replacement certificate (PRC)

    IMPORTANT: coverage dates must cover the phase of physical mobility at the host university, including travel days.

    Option 2) Private health insurance including medical and hospitalization expenses for a minimum of 50,000 €; for example if you cannot obtain the EHIC or if it is not available for your host country).

    IMPORTANT: you must provide the payment receipt and a certificate or policy document where these data can be read:clearly: name and family name of the insured person, country or region of the world of coverage, validity dates, detailed amounts of coverage; A simple card from your provider with your name on it is NOT accepted.

  2. TRAVEL ASSISTANCE INSURANCE, including all of the following items:
    (there is no required minimal amount for each item)

    • Medical repatriation (repatriation to the home country in a medicalized plane)
    • Repatriation of the remains in case of death
    • Travel and accommodation expenses for a family member in case of hospitalization of the student
    • Civil Liability
    • Compensation in case of death or permanent por fallecimiento o incapacidad permanente

If you cannot submit a scan of the EHIC card o provisional replacement certificate, we advice you buy insurance that covers both concepts (medical assistance + travel assistance). For the academic year 2023-24, we propose the following products whose coverage we have already verified (chart below).

If you buy any of the policies shown in the chart below, things will be a bit easier when you submit your Erasmus documents,compared with other insurance policies; it will be enough to provide a contract certificate in your name and indicating dates and details of coverage.





How to take out this insurance

Valid as Medical Assitance
Insurance instead of EHIC

Sirve como seguro de asistencia en Viaje

Universitas Mundi

Universitas Euro TSE

27,95 € / mobility

Coverage Universitas Euro TSE

Contratar Universitas Euro TSE



Universitas Mundi

Universitas Mundo

105.15 € / mobility

Universitas Mundo

Buy "Universitas Mundo"



Oncampus Oncampus estudiia

108 € / mobility
(Europe and neighboring countries)

30 € (Europe up to 30 days)

Coverage oncampus estudia Buy "Oncampus estudia" YES YES
Caja de Ingenieros

Seguro Erasmus
standard coverage

(max. 6000 € medical expenses)

22,12 € / month

Coverage "Seguro de Viaje Erasmus" To have an account at the Bank Caja de Ingenieros (UPV Branch in the Valencia campus) and activate the Erasmus Package.

(you buy and pay at the same time the fee for the full period to be insured)
Caja de Ingenieros

Seguro Erasmus
Premium coverage

(max. 100.000 € medical expenses)

44,00 € / month
Coverage "Seguro de Viaje Erasmus" To have an account at the Bank Caja de Ingenieros (UPV Branch in the Valencia campus) and activate the Erasmus Package.

(you buy and pay at the same time the fee for the full period to be insured)


We also accept certificates issued by other insurance providers different from those proposed above, as long as they have the minimum coverage indicated above.

In the case of any insurance different from those in the chart, it will be mandatory that you provide both proof of payment and details of dates, conditions, and coverage. Furthermore, only in the case of insurance other than those recommended here, before uploading the PDF to AIRE, you must highlight in color the amounts, dates, and coverage (it is not necessary to highlight the coverage in PDFs of certificates issued by the providers we propose).

EMAS upv