International Staff Week in April. Satakunta University of Applied Sciences - Finland
International Staff Week in April. Satakunta University of Applied Sciences - Finland
De: Int Office
Enviado el: jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2024 10:12
Para: Int Office
Asunto: Invitation to our staff week and season's greetings
Before we settle down for Christmas in Finland, we take this moment to remind you about our International Staff Week in April. More information about the programme and the registration form can be found on our website ( The deadline for applications is 12 January 2025.
The programme includes interesting tracks for those interested in student guidance, student well-being and physical activity, health and welfare, integration of international degree students and academic libraries, among others! Artificial intelligence is a theme that runs through the whole programme.
With this message, we also wish everyone a very happy Holiday Season and all the best for the coming year! Thank you for your cooperation, let's continue on the same path next year.
Kind regards,
the mobility team of SAMK,
Henna, Riitta, Alexandra, Sanna, Noora and Ari-Pekka
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences - Finland
Katse tulevaisuuteen. Think future.
International Staff Week in April. Satakunta University of Applied Sciences - Finland