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Bachelor's Degree in Architecture Vera (València) Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Bachelor's Degree in Architecture

330 credits
6 years

Credit 19,27€
Give access to scholarships


GPA for admission

Presentation of the degree

In the Bachelor's Degree in Architecture, students will gain the knowledge and skills to draw plans which fulfil aesthetic and technical requirements. They will also learn how to create buildings adapted to the user: comfortable, sustainable, economically viable and complying with legal regulations.

Additionally, this degree includes the study of architectural history and theory; human art, technologies and sciences; urbanism and planning; methods of research and resolution of construction problems; construction structures, physics and technology; and the industries, regulations and procedures applicable to construction and urban planning.

Students will also get to know architecture as a profession and the role of the architect in society; the relationships between citizens, architectural creations and the environment; and the harmonization of architectural creations with human needs and the human scale.

Credits for obtaining the degree

Basic courses Compulsory Elective Internship TFG Total
64,00 212,00 24,000 0,00 30,00 330,00

EMAS upv