5 years
Credit 12,79 / 17,34€
GPA for admission 10,36
15 openings
This double degree grants two undergraduate degrees, the Degree in Business Administration and Management and the Degree in Informatics Engineering. The curriculum is developed in five academic years combining subjects of both degrees. In Alcoi, students take subjects of the Degree in Informatics Engineering in semester A and the Degree in Business Administration and Management in semester B, except in the last year. You can have access to leadership positions in management and general management as well as specialize in administration, accounting, finance, taxation, human resources, marketing, quality, occupational risks, administration and development of computer systems, maintenance, etc. You can also work as an auditor, consultant, advisor and trainer of other companies in economic and financial issues, quality systems, implementation of computer systems, and all those issues arising from the use of new technologies. In particular, you will be able to take positions in the managerial teams of companies and IT departments. We have a wide network of international partners with whom we have signed bilateral agreements so that you can take part in an international exchange programme. We participate in the Erasmus programme and other international consortiums and programmes. We also have a service to support our students to carry out internships in our industrial environment with the aim of improving their curriculum from the point of view of employability, as well as a support and tutoring service for job search. Students may access the following university master's degrees taught by the UPV: Business Management (MBA); Financial and Fiscal Management; Organizational and Logistics Engineering; Management of Companies, Products and Services; Informatics Engineering; Information management; Cloud and High-Performance Computing; Computer Engineering and Networks; Software Engineering, Formal Methods and Information Systems; Artificial Intelligence, Recognition of Forms and Digital Image, and Automation and Industrial Informatics.
Alcoi Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València
Bachelor's Double Degree in Business Administration and Management + Informatics
373,5 credits
Presentation of the degree
Career opportunities
International mobility and internships
Further studies
Credits for obtaining the degree
Basic courses