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VIBRArch 2024 VLC. Keynote Presentation #02 Javier Burón.

Javier Burón Cuadrado Javier Burón Cuadrado (Basauri, Vizcaya-1970). Managing Director of NASUVINSA, a public company for industrial land, housing and territorial cohesion of the Government of Navarra since November 2023. He attended North Andover High School (MA USA), University of Deusto (Law, economic specialty and Master in Tax Consulting), Catholic University of Leuven (Erasmus, attending LLM courses) and University of the Basque Country (Master in Administration of Companies). He was Housing Manager of the city of Barcelona from June 2015 to July 2023, consultant in public policies and services, lawyer specialized in public law (Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira), Deputy Minister of Housing and Director of Planning of the Basque Government from 2003 to 2009 , legal and economic advisor to parliamentary groups in the Basque Parliament and the Congress of Deputies. Collaborator in different periods of the AVS (Spanish Association of Public Housing), GHS (Catalan Association of Social Housing Professionals), Housing Europe (European Association of Social Housing), ENHR (European Housing Research Network) and Vice President of the Eurocities Housing Working Group (network of large European cities).

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