Béatrice Mariolle. Béatrice Mariolle is an Architect, Urban Planner, PHD and HDR in architecture, permanent Professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d¿Architecture et de Paysage de Lille (ENSAPL), Researcher at the UMR AUSser. She is founder and President of the association TEPOP (Territoires à Énergie Populaire), Founder and scientific Director of the Chair «Acclimatizing post-mining territories», Founder and President of the association Post-Mining Network. For 40 years, she managed the architecture and urban planning firm Bres+Mariolle and associates. From 2012 to 2016 she was a member of Atelier International du Grand Paris (AIGP). She received the Urban Planning medal from the French Academy of Architecture in 2020, and she was named Chevalier de la Légion d¿honneur by the French Ministry of Housing in 2016. Her many teaching, research and project management activities in architecture and urban planning are dedicated to a commitment to the environmental and architectural transformation of territories in crisis, particularly in working-class neighborhoods. (Nord-Pas-de-Calais Mining Basin, Greater Paris). She is co-author of several books: Architecture, Landscape, Design in Post-Mining territories (to be published, Routledge, 2025); Densifier-dédensifier, penser les campagnes urbaines, (with Jean-Michel Leger, ed. Parenthèses, 2018), Territoire Frugal La France des campagnes à l¿heure des métropoles, ed. Métis Presses 2017 (with Francis Beaucire and Antoine Brès), Subagglo en représentations, ed. Archibook, 2016 (with Philippe Villien), Grand Paris hors les murs, ed. Recherche, 2012.