Master’s Degree – International Access

International students: access to university master’s degrees

International students

can study a master’s degree at the Universitat Politècnica de València, the best technological of Spain. To do so, it is necessary to formalize a university pre-enrollment process, a procedure that is carried out online.

Remember that, if you do not meet these three criteria, you may be eligible for the general admission.

Phase 0 and other pre-registration periods

The UPV offers its future students the possibility of pre-registering for university master’s degrees in different phases:

  • Phase 0: from approximately November, until the beginning of the next phase.
  • Phase 1: from March to May, approximately.
  • Phase 2: second half of June, approximately.
  • Phase 3: end of July and end of August, approximately. Only master’s degrees with vacant positions are offered.

Phase 0 opens specifically for foreign graduate students in higher education, with a foreign degree and without residence or European nationality. It is a longer period which allows, in case of being admitted, to have enough time to complete all the formalities (study visas, scholarship applications, etc.). This is undoubtedly, the best time to carry out the pre-enrollment process.

However, international students can pre-enroll in all phases of the program.

The master’s degrees communicate their admission to the applicant as the applications are studied and resolved. Some degrees, however, wait until the end of the term (June) to evaluate all applicants at the same time.

Phase 0

Aimed exclusively at international students.

Opens in November (to start the course in September of the following year) and lasts until the desired degree begins Phase 1 or Phase 2.

Phase 1

Aimed at national, EHEA and international students.

It opens in March and ends in May, approximately.

Phase 2

Aimed at national, EHEA and international students.

This is usually the phase in which most degrees open their pre-enrollment period.

It is held in June.

Phase 3

Aimed at national, EHEA and international students.

Only those titles with vacant places participate.

It is held in late July and early September.

Access with a foreign higher education degree

Students with a foreign higher education degree (equivalent to a Spanish university degree) from an educational system outside the European Higher Education Area, such as America, Asia, Africa… have two options to pre-enroll in a master’s degree at the UPV:

  • Provide the diploma approved by means of a credential from homologation, or declared equivalent at the academic level of an official bachelor’s or master’s degree, by means of a certificate of equivalence issued by the competent Spanish Ministry.
  • Present the degree obtained outside the EHEA so that the UPV can carry out an equivalence study and check if the diploma in question has a level of training equivalent to a Spanish degree and if it qualifies in the country of origin for postgraduate studies. This procedure is not free of charge, but it involves a fee, currently 155.22 €, which the applicant must pay at the time of application. If the verification is favorable, the UPV issues a rector’s resolution. In no case, does access by this route imply the homologation of the degree or its recognition for any other purposes than the of pursuing a master’s degree at the university level.

It is important to note that, only in the case that the applicant wants to access a qualifying master’s degree (in Spain), it is a requirement that the degree is approved by the competent Spanish Ministry. For all other master’s degrees, it is sufficient that the degree has been declared equivalent.

Legalized title

It is essential that the title presented is legalized for it to be effective in Spain. The legalization process must be carried out in the country that issued the diploma, which is why it is different in each country of origin. At the end of the process, the document (especially, the identity and authority of the signatory) can be recognized by Spanish entities.

No legalization is required for documents issued in member states of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

How to legalize my title?

The academic documents issued abroad that are to be validated in Spain must be duly legalized in accordance with the following conditions:

  • Academic documents issued in countries that have subscribed to the Hague Convention of October 5th, 1961: a single legalization or “apostille” issued by the competent authorities of the country is sufficient. The apostille can only be issued by a competent authority designated by the country from which the document originates.
  • Academic documents issued in the rest of the countries: they must be legalized through diplomatic channels. To do so, it is necessary to consult the following organizations:
    • Ministry of Education of the country of origin.
    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country where the academic documents were issued.
    • Diplomatic or consular representation of Spain in that country.

Required Documentation

At the time of pre-registration, international students who wish to study a university master’s degree at the UPV must submit a series of documents:

  • Passport.
  • Official degree (or credential of homologation or declaration of equivalence at the academic level of an official university degree or master’s degree issued by the competent Spanish Ministry).
  • Certificate issued by the home university or institution of origin specifying that the degree provided allows access to official postgraduate studies in the country of origin.
  • Academic certification issued by the university of origin or institution of origin with an indication of the average grade obtained in base 10. If the grade in base 10 is not provided, the access grade will be a 5.
  • Legalization of the degree and academic certification, if necessary.
  • Official translation of the degree and academic certification, if necessary.
  • Curriculum vitae or resume at European Union format, together with the supporting documentation of the merits claimed.
  • Documentation accrediting compliance with the language requirement, if necessary.
  • Other specific documentation required by each master’s degree.
  • If requested, supporting documentation for the assessment of the application for enrollment on a part-time basis.

These documents are common to all master’s degree programs, but the following documents should also be reviewed specific access conditions in each case. They can be found at the web page of each master’s degree.

Language requirements

Some UPV master’s degrees require a certain level of language (Spanish or English) that must be properly accredited. This accreditation must be included in the documentation submitted at the time of pre-enrollment. The list of master’s degrees with language requirements is published on the Student Services website.

What if I am missing a document?

Even if some documents are missing, pre-enrollment can still be initiated. Additional documentation can be submitted during the period in which pre-enrollment is open. Subsequently, you can also continue to add documentation, but two circumstances must be taken into account:

  • It is essential to have the certificate issued by the university of origin or institution of origin that specifies that the degree provided allows access to official postgraduate studies in the country of origin and the degree itself.
  • The Academic Degree Committees (CAT) only consider for admission those documents that have been added up to the deadline for consideration of academic conditions. Documents submitted after this date will not be taken into account.

The equivalency study fee

The Generalitat Valenciana, the autonomous government of the Valencian Community, has set a fee to be paid for the equivalence study of the level of training of foreign degrees from an educational system outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) presented by international students for access to master’s degree studies.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the fee is 155.22 €. It is paid once and is valid for all pre-enrollment applications made (a maximum of 4 applications in each phase, and 6 in the academic year). It must be paid before the deadline for submission of applications in the corresponding phase. Otherwise, the application in question will be cancelled due to non-payment of the fee.

How to pay the equivalency study fee?

When carrying out the pre-registration process, the different options for this payment are indicated. It is possible to pay the fee by secure credit card (TPV) or by printing the receipt and paying it at a Caixabank branch in Spain. There is also the possibility of paying through the Flywire platform, an alternative especially recommended for international students.

Is it necessary to pay the equivalency study fee if I have already studied at another university?

If you paid the fee at another Spanish university, you do not need to pay it again. To do so, you must provide the favorable resolution issued by the corresponding university stating that your degree allows access to the master’s degree being studied for equivalency and the receipt for payment of the fee.

Do I have to pay the equivalency study fee if my degree is legalized correctly?

Yes, since they are two different procedures.

Legalization is a procedure by which foreign academic documents (such as a degree or an academic certificate) are validated in Spain. It consists of the recognition of the signature (identity and authority of the signatory) of the educational institution issuing the original document.

It has nothing to do with the payment of the fee for the university to verify that your foreign higher education degree (from an educational system outside the European Higher Education Area or EHEA) has a level of education equivalent to the Spanish degree and that it entitles you in your country of origin to access postgraduate studies.

You do not pay the fee if your degree is already approved.

Is the fee refunded if I don’t get a place in the master’s program I am interested in?

Regardless of the result, the fee is never refunded, since the UPV has carried out the verification study.

Official master’s degree prices for international students

The Universitat Politècnica de València is a public university. This means, among other things, that its prices are subsidized by the Administration and are defined by the Generalitat Valenciana.

As of the academic year 2025-2026, the rate applied to international students is x2 the official prices of Spanish or European Union students. This regulation is aimed at international students who are not residents of European Union member states or nationals of the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

Thus, the price per ECTS credit for international students is as follows ranges from 25 to 70 € approximately. To calculate the total amount to be paid, you must multiply the number of ECTS credits of the specific master by the price/credit and add some small amounts for the opening of the dossier, issuance of the degree, school insurance…. The breakdown of each item can be found on the Student Services website. In addition, this information is highlighted on the specific website of each master’s degree. As mentioned above, these fees are public and are updated annually by a decree of the Generalitat Valenciana.

In any case, prices for international students at the UPV are still considerably lower than at other Spanish universities, such as those in Madrid or Barcelona.

Methods of payment for the master’s degree

There are several forms of payment and facilities.

Tuition can be paid in a single installment (September), in two installments (September and January) or in eight monthly installments (from September to April). In all cases without interest.

Payment can be made by direct debit at any bank or savings bank in Spain, credit card (virtual TPV) or through the platform Flywire (platform especially recommended for international students that allows you to pay securely, from any country, any bank and in your own currency).

If, at the time of enrollment, you still do not have a bank account in Spain, you can choose to pay by credit card or Flywire (in one or two installments) and, in the meantime, you can arrange to open an account. Once you are settled in Spain, and you have a bank account, you can go to your study center and change the payment method to direct debit in 8 monthly installments, if this is a better option for you. Remember that April is the last month to pay.

Scholarships for international students

Some scholarships are available for international students. In fact, in the 2023-2024 academic year, nearly 70 students from outside the EHEA received grants at the UPV to study for a master’s degree.

Some of these scholarships are:

There are, also, other international calls for applications, including those by country of origin. Students can apply directly to these entities. Information on these and other grants for foreign students (such as the AUIP scholarships) can also be obtained through the Office of International Affairs (OAI) of the Universitat Politècnica de València.

Access to pre-registration

Pre-registration can be initiated from this link:  

After requesting the password or PIN, the applicant receives an e-mail with which is able to start the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a master’s degree last?

Studies in Spain are measured in ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). A master’s degree can last 60, 90 or 120 credits ECTS, i.e. from one to two courses. A distinction must be made between the duration of the teaching (class attendance) and the preparation of the final master’s thesis (TFM). In principle, the duration of the teaching in the master’s degree courses is:

  • One academic year: 60 ECTS credits (from September to July of the following year)
  • One and a half years: 90 ECTS credits (from September to July of the following year + from September to January of the following year)
  • Two academic years: 120 ECTS credits (from September to July for 2 years)

In addition to this period, on some occasions the student will requirea few more months (3 to 6)for the completion of the TFM (final master’s thesis).

What is an ECTS credit?

An ECTS credit is the way to measure the duration of studies. Each credit is equivalent to 25-30 hours of dedication. Therefore, 60 ECTS credits are equivalent to one full course. Generally, a master’s degree has between 60 and 120 ECTS credits. Generally, one course is equivalent to 4 or 6 credits. The credit system is very important because it guarantees the recognition of qualifications and mobility between degrees and countries.

When does the course start and end?

The academic year in Spain begins in September and ends in July of the following year.

Can I enroll in a qualifying master’s degree?

Qualifying master’s degrees are postgraduate degrees that enable students to practice regulated professions, as is the case of some engineering and architecture degrees in Spain. Regulated professions are trades for the exercise of which a special condition must be met, which is generally to be in possession of a certain academic degree.

To access a qualifying master’s degree you need to hold a specific bachelor’s degree, so you can only enroll in the qualifying master’s degree if your foreign degree (whether or not it was issued in an EHEA educational system) is recognized as equivalent to the corresponding Spanish degree that gives access to the regulated profession in Spain.

Can I partially enroll in a master’s program?

Yes, by accrediting the need for this type of enrollment at the time you make your pre-enrollment application. One academic year with full-time dedication is equivalent to 60 ECTS credits.

At the Universitat Politècnica de València, a student is considered full-time when he/she enrolls for more than 40 credits. Part-time enrollment is between 18 and 40 ECTS credits per year.

Are classes taught in English or Spanish?

Most of the master’s degrees are taught in Spanish (Spanish and Castilian are equivalent terms). Some subjects are taught in Valencian (the official language of the Valencian Community, where the UPV is located), but this is generally the case when there is more than one enrollment group and foreign students can choose a group taught in Spanish. Other subjects are taught in English. You should consult the web site of the specific expertise you are interested in, as you will find complete information there.

What is the class schedule?

Generally the schedules are in the morning or afternoon, although it is possible that some academic activities (internships, seminars…) have a different schedule. You should consult the web site of the specific expertise you are interested in, as there is complete information there.

Does UPV offer accommodation to its international master’s students?

The Universitat Politècnica de València helps its students free of charge to find accommodation that meets their expectations and needs. To this end, it maintains a database which serves as a meeting point between students and individuals offering rooms in shared apartments, homestays or apartments for rent.

In addition, there are several halls of residence in the cities of Valencia, Gandia and Alcoy, university cities that are very well prepared to welcome students. If you are thinking of living in a residence of this type, it is important that you book well in advance.

Are there any master’s degrees online?

The Universitat Politècnica de València is a mainly face-to-face university, which allows students to enjoy the many advantages offered by its campuses (study spaces), UPV Design Factory, free sport activities, Student Recreation Centre, green areas, libraries and a very long etcetera). Therefore, most of their master’s degrees are face-to-face. However, a few of them offer part of their academic program in the At the web page of each master’s degree you will find this information.

More doubts?

Additional information

Questions about the pre-enrollment and admission process: by UPV portal of enquiries: poli[consulta] or the appointment request: poli[cita ]

Technical issues related to the pre-registration form: Customer Service Center (CAU)

Information on specific admission requirements:

Information updated in October 2024