Conference ‘The importance of the brand in the family business and its economic and legal significance’.

The Andersen Family Business Group has held the conference ‘The importance of the brand in the family business and its economic and legal significance’, together with industry experts and with the assistance of representatives of family businesses in the Valencian Community. During the meeting, the speakers analyzed the importance of the brandingThe family brand management, its adequate legal protection and its valuation as an intangible asset.

The event,linked to the Andersen UPV Chair of Sustainability and Regulated Markets.was opened by Yago Martos, Partner of Andersen and Director of the Firm’s Family Business Group, and moderated by Joaquín Ureña, Partner in charge of Andersen’s Economic and Financial Law Department. It also included presentations by Emilio Llopis, Doctor in Branding and Partner of GLR Partners; and Adargelio Garrido and Lamberto Samper, Of Counsels of Andersen in the areas of Intellectual Property and Valuation, respectively. Asier Lara, Director of Expansion and Partner of Aranco, closed the day by explaining the success story of his company, Aranco, and how they carried out their branding strategy.