Valencia Plaza’s Compliance Breakfast with Andersen

Andersen and Valencia Plaza organize a business breakfast to give the public the relevance of the compliance area and to highlight the importance for companies to have a culture of regulatory compliance, this event is linked to the Andersen UPV Chair of Sustainability and Regulated Markets.

Compliance is a voluntary framework for“avoid falling into excesses and companies getting business through conduct of dubious legality.”The company’s legal services are an instrument that can favor the “growth and positioning of a company in the market,” said Benjamín Prieto Clar, Litigation Partner and Director of Andersen’s office in Valencia.

Esmeralda Iranzo Sánchez, Director and head of the Firm’s Compliance area, stressed the need for “a procedural statute for legal persons” and called for a legislative framework “that establishes a general framework about compliance that each company can adapt to its idiosyncrasies”.

The session was also attended by Juan Piquer, Global head of legal & compliance at IVI RMA; Natalia Puente, Senior compliance officer at Statkraft; Mª Carmen Paredes, Legal counsel and legal advisor at Fermax; Carlos Llombart, Chief customer & corporate strategy officer at Power Electronics; Rafael Montesinos, Legal director at Stadler Rail; Javier Alfonso, Director of Valencia Plaza and Enrique Lucas, President of Ediciones Plaza;

At the conference, the companies presented how they have implemented a compliance program in their organizations and how they manage it. A measure that was initially mandatory in criminal law, with the modification in 2015 of Organic Law 10/1995, now covers any area of law.