What is Corporate Sustainability?

When we speak of “Corporate Sustainability” we refer to the strategic approach that companies implement to carry out their activities with the least possible environmental impact while generating economic profitability; thus contributing to the progress and well-being of present and future generations.

Dimensions of Corporate Sustainability

Environment, society and economy are the three fundamental pillars of Corporate Sustainability, all of which are related and have an impact on each other.

  • Environment:

This refers to the impact that the company’s activities have on the planet, from the beginning of its production chain until it ends.

  • Society:

Building a society that is more inclusive, egalitarian, developed and committed to the well-being of future generations is important, which is why companies must seek to benefit their employees, customers and the population in general.

  • Economy:

Generating economic profitability remains key for companies; however, they must now contribute to monetary development in an ethical and sustainable manner.

Importance of Corporate Sustainability

In a world facing challenges such as climate change and energy transition, more and more companies are looking for a comprehensive strategy that positively impacts the planet, their employees, their customers and society at large.

Despite its importance, implementing a Corporate Sustainability strategy is not simple because it involves many areas, regulations and norms. For this reason, companies are looking for professionals with the necessary knowledge to respond to the new market needs.