UPV, WUT, and other Ukrainian universities join forces to celebrate Ukraine Day

Universitat Politècnica de València and Warsaw University of Technology, both members of ENHANCE Alliance, have collaborated with the Ukrainian universities Lviv Polytechnic National University and Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnical Institute in a big event full of an intense cultural exchange, which has been called Ukraine Day.

During the event, which was also held in the other member universities of the alliance in hybrid mode, multiple didactic activities treasuring Ukrainian culture were carried out, such as a folk music concert, trivia and the viewing of a short film about the country, workshops in which the perspective of students and teachers on the current situation was shared, among others.

On the other hand, apart from this collaborative event between several universities, UPV has proposed to carry out a free and immersive course for adult Ukrainian refugees: Encrucijadas/Perkhrestya: Spanish language for Ukrainian refugees (initial level A1-A2), which concluded on 11 July after 80 hours of intensive formation. This experience focused on learning a new language, through a socio-cultural perspective, in which the students learned the basics of Spanish to be able to express themselves, write and read in basic everyday tasks.

However, this course did not only include typical classes. The students embarked on an adventure straight into the city’s heart, participating in didactic activities to further their learning. Through visits to museums and places full of Spanish history and culture, participants are offered the opportunity to learn more about the traditions of Valencia and all that makes it a wonderful city to live in.

Students from the “Encrucijadas” course visit museums in Valencia.

At the end of the course, it is clear that it was not only an experience in which Spanish was learned but that it was part of the first steps on the road to a new life in Spain. The ending of “Encrucijadas/Perkhrestya” is not only a mere “end”; it is a new beginning.

Students of the course with their culmination diplomas.