Since 2008, the Pegasus Units establish their annual improvement plans based on the results of user satisfaction surveys, performance indicator measurements, SQF communications received, the result of an audit (internal or external) or other sources of relevant information.
The Pegasus improvement plan model follows the following guidelines:
- Detailed analysis of the different sources of information that can give rise to a plan, mainly the results of satisfaction surveys, and consensus with the entire Unit on the areas of improvement that can be addressed and their prioritization.
- Definition of the corresponding improvement plans: name, justification and description of the plan, the person responsible for coordinating it, members of the improvement team in charge of carrying it out (personnel from the different work areas involved and users), related survey processes and descriptors, if applicable, and details of the actions proposed with their corresponding execution deadlines.
- Development, execution and follow-up of the proposed actions.
- Final assessment of the results obtained and possible improvements detected both at the internal management level and improvements perceived and contrasted by the users of the services concerned.