What is it?
It is the program to improve the management of the administration and university services of the Universitat Politècnica de València.
What for?
To provide our users with services that meet their needs and expectations.
To establish a system of continuous improvement of UPV university services.
To implement a productivity compensation system for the UPV’s Administration and Services Staff.
Identifying and documenting the processes carried out in the different administrative and management units of the UPV.
Establishing a system of indicators of performance and perception.
Elaborating the Service charts.
Implementing a suggestions, complaints and compliments system on provided services.
Establishing actions and improvement plans
Performing periodically internal audits and external.
The PEGASUS program was launched in 2006 and has progressively incorporated the different administrative, technical and management units
Administrative, technical and management units that, in one way or another, provide support to teaching and research activities, or other complementary activities:
- Services and Areas.
- Administrative and technical units in teaching centers, university departments, and research institutes and structures.


The Units, in a first phase of the Pegasus Program, have identified, defined and documented their key processes i.e. those that manage the activities leading to the delivery of the product or service to the user (external to the Unit).

Service charts
Service charts are the instrument through which users are informed about the services provided by the Units, about their rights in relation to these services and about the quality commitments in their provision.


Performance indicators
Performance indicators are linked to the fulfillment of the commitments specified in the service charter.

Perception indicators
User perception or satisfaction indicators measure the perception that users have of the service provided. These values are obtained from the annual satisfaction survey to users.

Customer service
The Pegasus service charts are displayed on the websites of the units where there are also mechanisms to assist users such as the SQF system (suggestions, complaints and compliments) and poli[Consulta]. from where any questions can be answered.

The Pegasus system is under continuous review, evaluating both the overall elements and results as well as each of the individual units.
In order to achieve this, it is essential to internal audits The company is subject to biennial and annual external certification and follow-up audits.


Improvement plans
The Pegasus Units establish annual actions and improvement plans on the basis of the results of satisfaction surveys of the users, the measurements of the performance indicators the SQF communications and other sources of relevant information.

Variable compensation
Recognition of a job well done by the administration and services personnel is translated into economic incentives that are distributed annually according to the results of user satisfaction surveys.


Staff involvement
- 47% of the staff belongs to business units with certified service charts.
- 25% of the staff has received specific training of the Pegasus program.

Management efficiency
- 229 key processes identified
- 363 services defined
- 316 performance indicators implemented

Program credibility
- certified service charts
- 100% of the units pass internal audits biennially
- Annual external audit of the system and units
- Variable compensation annual for the staff
- 8,63 is the system assessment of the PEGASUS program

- 411 improvement plans executed
- 45 improvement plans in development
- 40 improvement plans per year

User confidence
- over 20,000 communications SQF processed
- over 240,000 policonsultas.
- over 6,000 surveys answered annually

- 32 microwebs public and standardized
- Accessibility of the information for any citizen
- Publication of the results of the performance indicators
- Publication of the results of satisfaction surveys
- Publication of the main improvements made by the units

Quality culture
- 13 centers and 42 departments evaluated through surveys
- 1,500 SQF communications of academic programs processed
- 84% of the academic programs have renewed their accreditation
- 33 bachelor’s and master’s degrees have international accreditation

And more…

Pegasus satisfaction survey results
An interactive platform for the presentation of results where you can check what has been the opinion of users about the services we offer at the UPV.

Valora la UPV
On this web page we annually compile some of the improvements that have been implemented at the UPV thanks to the analysis of the results of the satisfaction surveys. Valuing UPV is very important and your opinion allows us to …

Our complaints, suggestions and compliments system
Send us your communications using the SQF system with which you can participate in the improvement of the UPV. On this page we explain in detail how the SQF system works and we also make public all the reports that …

Internal management platform
The Pegasus internal management platform defines the processes and services provided that will lead to the service charter, introduces the performance indicators and formulates the improvement plans.

Our quality strategy:
To provide our internal and external users with services that satisfy their needs and expectations, designing, implementing and executing -with the participation of all the staff- reliable processes that obtain such results.