The service charters are the instrument through which users are informed about the services provided by the Units, about their rights in relation to these services and about the quality commitments in their provision;
Service charters Management Manual
Stages of implementation The Pegasus program has followed the following steps to implement the service charters in the Units:
- Drafting of service charters by one or more working groups.
- Presentation, discussion of the proposal with the responsible Unit as a whole.
- Presentation, discussion with other units involved.
- Approval of the definitive service charter.
- Dissemination of the service charter to users.
- Implementation of commitments and system of indicators. Monitoring.
- Monitoring, evaluation and updating of the service charter.
Elements of the Pegasus Units’ service charter
- Aims and objectives (1):Main functions of the Unit and what is intended to be achieved with the development of these functions.
- Main services provided to users (2):List of services derived from the user’s request.
- Users (3):For each of the above services, list of users with the capacity and the right to request them.
- List of users’ rights (1):
- Regulatory regulations (1):Laws, rules, regulations (internal or external to the institution) that govern the development of the provision of services to the user.
- Quality commitments (3):Comply with the established and published processing deadlines. – Establish the appropriate channels to facilitate the request of services by the user, and the communication of the provision of the same to the user by the Unit. – Measure, evaluate and disseminate the results of the services provided on the basis of a system of indicators, as a tool for continuous improvement. Unit quality indicators: – User satisfaction with the services provided by the Unit. – Satisfaction of users with the treatment received by the Unit’s personnel. – Degree of compliance with the terms of commitment of the service charter. – Complaints and compliments registered.
- Suggestions, complaints and congratulations system (1)
- Systems for user collaboration in the improvement of services (1)
- Performance and perception indicators (3)
- Generic data (1)Contact information, organization chart, etc.
(1) Common elements for the Unit (2) Extracted from each Unit’s key processes (3) For each of the services rendered to users
Follow-up of service charters and their commitments
The UPV establishes a periodic system for monitoring the commitments of the service charter through:
- The indicators defined therein.
- Performance indicators: degree of compliance with specific commitments for each service provided.
- Perception indicators: linked to the results of service user opinion surveys. UPV assumes a generic commitment to have at least 80% of users satisfied.
- Internal and external audits.
- Complaints regarding non-compliance with commitments.