
SDGs in companies

Do you want to know in which Sustainable Development Goals the companies in which our graduates work are most involved? For the first time, this academic year 2022-2023, the T’S surveys asked about the relationship between companies and the Sustainable […]


The results of the Employer Training Needs Study highlight that the value with the greatest strength is “Commitment”. As Abraham Lincoln said, “Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality”. Its importance lies in its ability to drive productivity, loyalty […]

Success in Employability

Employment Forum and Stay issues that are highly relevant to society In a show of commitment of the Integrated Employment Service with our environment, different podcast broadcasts of the services offered were made, obtaining results that show the interest of […]

Survey of employing entities

The Employment Observatory of the UPV through the SIE belongs to the Employment Working Group of the Sectorial Commission of Student Affairs of the CRUE (Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities) and has participated in the development of a collaborative […]

International Women’s Day

Today, March 8, we celebrate International Women’s Day by publishing the data concerning our graduates in UPV degrees. The UPV continues to promote STEAM careers among all women. Another important data is offered by the section of Internships-SIE UPV, in […]