What is the Observatory?
The purpose of the Employment Observatory is to collect, process and provide information regarding the process of labor market insertion of university graduates in the socioeconomic environment and the opinion of graduates on their time at the University.
About us
Students come to the UPV expecting the most appropriate training for their labor market insertion and the University has among its functions the training of professionals, which society needs to continue progressing. The level of training acquired during their studies is not the only factor that influences the best labor market insertion of university graduates, but also, among many other factors, the demand for professionals, which the social environment generates, and the adequacy between the level of skills required in the jobs offered, and those acquired during their training process.
The knowledge of the characteristics of the insertion processes of its graduates and the beginning of their professional career is an important element in the effort of the Universitat Politècnica de València to adapt the training of professionals to the demands of the social environment.
Generate an agile tool to provide information to the internal quality evaluation processes at the UPV and external accreditation processes.
Strategic Information
Obtain valid and rigorous information for appropriate decision making by the corresponding decision-making bodies.
Employment Status
Collect, process and provide information regarding the process of labor market insertion of university graduates in the socioeconomic environment and the opinion of graduates on their time at the University.
In recent years, the Integrated Employment Service has carried out or participated in labor market insertion studies through surveys of our graduates and employers in the socioeconomic environment, which gather the opinion and experience of the processes of starting a professional career, from the point of view of the graduate and the employer.
The Observatory has two sources of information, the first is articulated through information extracted from the graduates of this university through a longitudinal and systematic study that analyzes the process of labor market insertion and the opinion of the graduates on the training received at the university. The second source will be developed based on the opinion that employers have of our graduates.