We present to you

The Suggestions, Complaints and Compliments system, which you can use to improve the Universitat Politècnica de València.
The implementation of the SQF system in theUPV constitutes an element of commitment to quality and focuses on increasing the satisfaction of the university community and society in general.
What are SQFs?
These are the communications that you can send us, according to the following classification

It is a proposal that allows us to improve the quality of the services we offer you…

It is a manifestation of dissatisfaction with any of the services we offer you.

It is a manifestation of satisfaction with any of the services we offer or people who provide them.
How do you send us your SQFs?
You have different ways to access the system
Download the App – miUPV
Through the miUPV app you can, among other functions, access the system to send us your SQFs.
Access from the UPV website
Through the main page of the UPV website, section “. poliSQF“
Through the UPV personal intranet.
For which you have to identify yourself as a member of the university community.
Accessing University Services and Studies
Through the websites of each of the UPV entities (Services, Studies, Schools, Areas, Vice-rectorates, etc.) by accessing the section “Customer Service” you can access the form “. SQF UPV“
Our commitment is to give you an answer within 10 working days;
CHECk it!
The Evaluation, Quality Assurance and Accreditation Service under the Vice-Rectorate for Organisation of Studies, Quality, Accreditation and Languages is responsible for the management, supervision and maintenance of the SQF system.

Because with your help, we can improve through a permanent process of continuous improvement.
Some SQF management data
Data from 2021 to 2023
SQF managed
90,81 %
Responded within 10 days
Satisfaction out of 5
22,32 %
47,58 %
30,10 %
Access to SQF reporting platform
Here you can consult the reports of management units and academic programs since 2021.

Administrative, technical and management of the UPV.
Sports, Library, Alumni, CFP, Communication, Publishing, Nursery School, Employment, HR, etc.
Access to SQF reports
From here you can download the Units and Titles reports from 2008 to 2019.
The following happens when you send us your communication:

Your communication reaches us.
Your SQF is addressed to the entity or title to which it is addressed.
The person in charge of the entity or title analyzes the information.

You receive an answer
Within a maximum period of 10 working days.

UPV Improvements
Entities or titles correct, remedy or undertake improvement actions.
Your SQFs drive continuous improvement
Watch the video
Because we want to improve our university

We are motivated
The improvement of the services we offer you.

We are moved by
To provide you with the best academic and administrative services.

We are able to
To achieve this, in collaboration with you and the entire university community.
An SQF is very valuable…
Why, what is it for, what does it do, what does it bring us?
It provides us with invaluable information on theexpectations of the university community and their perception of the service received.
It provides us with areply to the way we manage the services we offer, making the university community an active collaborator.
It provides us with elements of recognition ofbest practices in our management. Especially through the Congratulations.