The UPV’s commitment to its environment requires pursuing triple sustainability -economic, social and environmental- ensuring the resources to meet the needs of the present without compromising those of the future.
Strategic objectives UPV_Sustainable

Position the UPV so that its three campuses achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.
Achieving carbon neutrality of the three campuses requires a long-term plan, focused on reducing the energy and water consumption of the infrastructures and at the same time increasing their production of renewables. It is the opportunity to focus efforts to generate transferable knowledge to the community in which the UPV develops its activity, consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Develop stable and alternative sources of financing.
The UPV must be able to develop alternative sources of financing that provide it with financial stability and therefore provide it with autonomy in decision making;

Adapt the UPV structure for a flexible management of shared resources;
The UPV must adapt the resource allocation mechanisms (human, financial, equipment and space) that allow it to adjust the structure to changes in the ways of working (automation, remote work, reduction of activity), always promoting continuous improvement and the provision of effective and efficient service.
Rafa Delgado. Collaborating Professor of the Dept. of Rural and Agroalimentary Engineering, EPSG.
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