UPV must respond to the needs of its university community, as well as those of society and encourage a sense of belonging. It must promote the transforming leadership of its university community and its social environment, through alliances with public institutions and social organizations;
Strategic objectives UPV_Relevante

Intensify the positive impact of academic knowledge on the socioeconomic fabric and the environment.
The UPV is a driving force for the transformation of the Valencian Community in its sphere of influence and contributes to sustainability (economic, social and environmental) and to the development of the productive, health and cultural sectors;

Consolidate the reputation and leadership of the UPV in social transformation.
The UPV works with a large number of civil society institutions in solving challenges. Highlighting this activity helps to consolidate the reputation of the UPV.

To foster the transdisciplinary nature of research, innovation and transfer activities, promoting their permeability towards teaching.
By promoting the transdisciplinary nature of research, innovation and transfer activities, the university prepares and prepares itself to face the present and future problems of the society to which it owes;

Develop partnerships with social institutions and public administrations..
The action of the UPV must encourage applicable research and knowledge transfer to its immediate environment, i.e., the territory in which it is integrated and develops its activity;
Dionisio Campos. Operations Manager Ford Valencia at Ford Motor Company
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