The UPV as an excellent university, which excels in its teaching, research and knowledge transfer among Valencian and Spanish universities, must anticipate the changes that will occur in society, in order to train each student through art, science and technology for them to lead the change and social transformation.
Strategic objectives UPV_Excellent

Promote transformative teaching models that incorporate and train in the arts, science and cutting-edge technology.
The UPV must define and recognize teaching models that value the capabilities of the institution, facilitating the learning process through active methodologies and promoting the incorporation of cutting-edge knowledge in the areas in which the people who make up the university excel;

Stimulate the generation of knowledge of excellence and its valorization in collaboration with companies and institutions.
Increasing the impact of scientific generation involves incorporating actors outside the academy, nationally and internationally, preferably through stable relationships. Institutions, companies, social agents… can, in this way, participate in the orientation and realization of projects and in the production and publication of results. In this way, applicable research can more easily become applied research;

Improve the experience of the different stakeholders, integrating management systems through inter-unit collaboration.
The public administration must guarantee the provision of quality public services based on proximity, efficiency, effectiveness and transparency. It is necessary to foster a culture of quality in the institution, in which each member feels involved in the promotion and orientation towards continuous improvement. The new quality management system must be extended to the entire institution, facilitating the continuous improvement of the user experience;
Avelino Corma. Distinguished Researcher of the I.U.I. Mixto de Tecnología Química.
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