Vice-rectorate for Innovation
and Transfer

Innovation and Transfer

The Vice-rectorate for Innovation and Transfer is responsible for the promotion and coordination of research mainly oriented to knowledge and technology transfer, innovation and the organization and development of the science park Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación (Polytechnic City of Innovation).

This vice-rectorate is responsible, among other functions, for the promotion, organization and supervision of collaborative actions and services in R&D&I and the promotion of the economic and social impact of talent and knowledge from innovation.


We have highly qualified teams for the development of our objectives.

cpi cubo azul

UPV Science Park

The UPV Science Park brings together more than 45 research units and more than 55 technology-based companies,start-ups and spin-offs. Over a total of 140,000 m2 of scientific infrastructure, the park provides services to more than 3,000 people dedicated to research …

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Polytechnic City of Innovation Area

The Polytechnic City of Innovation Area is in charge of the Universitat Politècnica de València’s networked science park. The managing entity of the park is the Fundación Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación (Fundación CPI). Its mission is to ensure the …

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Research, Innovation and Transfer Promotion and Support Service

The Service for the Promotion and Support of Research, Innovation and Transfer (I2T) is the office for the transfer of research results (OTRI) of the UPV. Its mission is the general promotion of the UPV’s R&D&I and the protection and …

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Work Philosophy

We strive to develop concrete and measurable objectives.


Help the UPV to generate socioeconomic impact based on knowledge.


In 2025, the UPV is the leading entity in the economic, social and environmental development of the Valencian Community.


  • Collaboration
  • Talent
  • Generosity
  • Commitment
  • Transparency
  • Impact

Outstanding Programs and Initiatives

Learn about our latest projects


INNOTRANSFER is a multisectoral initiative for open innovation, which is promoted by the Network of Valencian Science Parks. The objective of this program is to promote innovation in key economic sectors for the Community supporting its Regional Innovation and Smart …

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The program UPV-innovation promotes and channels relations with the business and institutional environment from various units of the UPV. This program is based on a relationship model between the identification of needs (demands/challenges) of the private sector and the capacity …

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CPI EUROPE is a support service for the participation of the UPV in Horizon Europe, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for the period 2021-2027. The program offers excellent opportunities to carry out ambitious projects that solve …

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Spin UPV

Spin UPV is the initiative that promotes spin-off companies generated from knowledge and scientific-technological results at the UPV. The program offers an itinerary in the creation of companies to value quality research and transfer the results to the market. Currently, …

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The TRL UP initiative is the new program promoted by UPV Innovation that aims to encourage successful participation in calls for proposals for valorization and proof of concept programs to mature UPV research results. TRL UP promotes the valorization of …

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The events o Match-UPV days are dynamics that allow connecting companies and research and innovation groups in order to add value to products, services and people with joint R+D+i projects between companies and UPV. The Match-UPV dynamics are organized in face-to-face, …

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Leading the transformation from innovation and knowledge transfer

What is our contribution?

The UPV has the responsibility and the potential to lead, acting as a driving force in the Valencian Community, a change in the economic and social model moving towards an economy with a greater contribution of knowledge and added value, which ensures greater well-being for our society.

How we work?

We are committed to reinforcing the commitment of the UPV in the generation of economic and social impact in the Valencian Community and in Spain from the talent of our people, our greatest asset. We constantly listen to the needs of society to detect challenges that we transform into opportunities to apply knowledge-based solutions.

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