Revistas de Préstamo Interbibliotecario

The Interlibrary Loan and Document Retrieval Service has as objective provide UPV members with the access to documents not available in our library and to facilitate access to our University’s collections to other external institutions.

Access to the form

Students: Undergraduate and Master’s students

What documents can you request?

Copies of articles or book chapters that do not exist in the UPV collection.

Digital copy of articles or book chapters available in the UPV Libraries in paper format from a different UPV Campus.

How to use the service?

Step 1:

Request registration through the form.


Step 2:

Once the registration is confirmed by e-mail, you can request the documents you need through the form.

Access to the form

Step 3:

The documents will be sent by e-mail, except if due to copyright restrictions they must be sent in hard copy.

PDI, PAS, Researchers and Doctoral Students

What documents can be requested:

Copies of articles or book chapters that do not exist in the UPV collection.

Loan of original documents that do not exist in the UPV collection.

Digital copy of articles or book chapters available in the UPV Libraries in paper format.

Steps to use the service:

Step 1:

Request registration through the form. It will be given a provisional discharge for digital copies that do not involve economic costs.

The doctoral students must indicate the guardian’s name in the memo field as well as the Department.


Step 2:

The Department will be contacted The cost center, Institute or Service, to give its consent and to be assigned as a cost center.

Step 3:

Once the registration is confirmed, applications can be made through the interlibrary loan form.

Access to the form

Expenditure Information:

During this year, the The Library will allocate a certain amount to cover this expense. Consent will still be required, however, since once this amount is exhausted, upon prior notice, the Department, Service or Institute will be billed.

Consult the Service Rates:

UPV FundsCopies (up to 40 pages)0 €
Each additional block of 10 pages0 €
Spanish suppliersCopies (up to 40 pages)3.30 € + VAT
Each additional block of 10 pages1 € + VAT
Loan of originals8 €
TIB HannoverCopies9 € + VAT
Copies with copyright13 € + VAT
Loan of originals15 €
OthersCopies30 € + VAT
Loan of originals40 €
The VAT applied to the copies will be the general rate in force at the time of issuing the invoice.

Alumni+, External Users and Other UPV Groups

What documents can be requested:

Copies of articles or book chapters that do not exist in the UPV collection.

Loan of original documents that do not exist in the UPV collection.

Digital copy of articles or book chapters available in the UPV Libraries in paper format.

Steps to use the service:

Step 1:

Request user registration through the form.

In the case of external users will request the registration through the following e-mail address


Step 2:

Once the registration is confirmed, applications can be made through the interlibrary loan form or in the case of external usersby e-mail

Access to the form

Step 3:

The user will be informed of the amount of the document and must pay it by bank transfer, as a previous step to start the procedures for sending the document or loan.

Step 4:

When the document arrives, the user will be notified by e-mail:

  • Copies of articles, book chapters, etc.: will be provided in electronic format, unless copyright restrictions require them to be provided in hard copy.
  • Original documents: the consultation will take place within the UPV Library facilities.

Consult the Service Rates:

UPV FundsCopies (up to 40 pages)3.30 € + VAT
Each additional block of 10 pages1 € + VAT
Loan of originals**
Spanish suppliersCopies (up to 40 pages)3.30 € + VAT
Each additional block of 10 pages1 € + VAT
Loan of originals16 €
TIB HannoverCopies9 € + VAT
Copies with copyright13 € + VAT
Original loans35 €
OthersCopies30 € + VAT
Loan of originals60 €
** The shipment of originals to individuals is not contemplated.
The VAT applied to the copies will be the general rate in force at the time of issuing the invoice.

Requests from other Libraries

The Interlibrary Loan and Document Retrieval Service supplies documents from the UPV collection to other libraries, both national and foreign, public or private.

How to request documents?

Requesting libraries can send their requests from theGTBIB system the form by NILDE or by e-mail a:

Before making the document request, it is recommended to check the stock, in case it is a magazine article, or its location in PoliBuscador indicating in the request the web address of the registry or the document signature.

Access to Polibuscador

Payment Methods and Fees:

For the rest of the Spanish librariesThe following applies to the REBIUN rates The IFLA voucher payment and the establishment of reciprocity/gratuitousness/compensation accounts are allowed.

The foreign libraries Payments can be made by means of IFLA vouchers and reciprocity of fees applies. Reciprocity/gratuitousness/clearing account relationships can also be established.

ConceptSpainEuropaRest of the world
Copies (articles, book chapters, etc.)1/2 IFLA voucher1/2 IFLA voucher1/2 IFLA voucher
Loan of originals1 IFLA voucher2 IFLA vouchers4 IFLA vouchers

Cooperation with other Libraries:


REBIUN’s Cleared Exchange of Scientific Articles Group (ICAC), therefore, the supply of items to these institutions will be free of charge.



The Consortium of University Libraries of the Valencian Community (BUVAL), which allows both interlibrary loan and document supply, free of charge, among BUVAL members.



The Network for Inter-Library Document Exchange is a collaborative network of libraries to share resources created by the Library of the Italian National Research Council.



Resource Sharing Collaborative and Voluntary Document Delivery is an international community of voluntary libraries whose purpose is to share documents free of charge to ensure universal and equal access to information.


The documents requested can only be used for private, teaching or research use and its reprography and use shall comply with current legislation on copyright and intellectual property rights.
The following are excluded: old materials or materials with special preservation conditions, patents, technical standards, journal fascicles and complete electronic books. In addition, for external institutions documents, very recent or in demand documents and documents from UPV Departments.

Who we are

Teresa Sanchez Sanz

Esther Penares López

Alicia Villacreces Marco

Polytechnic University of Valencia
Library and Scientific Documentation (Building 4L)
Interlibrary Loan and Document Retrieval
Camí de Vera s/n
46022 Valencia (Spain)
Tel. 963877083 – e-mail:

Where we are