You can borrow up to 30 materials at the same time:
- Study books: 15 days, 7 if there are reserves.
- Literature books: 15 days.
- Journals and movies: 7 days, 3 if there are reserves.
- Laptops: 7 days.
- Other devices: mouse, calculators, scalimeters, squares, headphones, chargers.

You can renew materials that are not reserved, if you do not have overdue loans or penalties.
Loans are renewed automatically 2 days before the loan deadline if :
- There are not reserves
- Your account is not blocked
- The loan period has not expired (4 months for books, 2 months for magazines and films and 1 month for laptops).
If it cannot be renewed, we will notify you by email that you must return the material.
You can also check the loan and return dates at My Library.
You can book through Polibuscador:
- Books or other borrowed materials
- Books, borrowed or not, from other campuses or libraries, and choose where you want to pick them up.
- Books with “Deposit” location
To make a request, log in at Polibuscador and click on “Reserve”. Choose where you want to pick it up and we will email you when the item is avalaible.
- You have 2 working days to pick up your reserves.
- You can cancel your reserve if you are no longer interested from My Library > Applications.
- Contact the library if you have any questions or problems with your reserve.
Other loans
Group studio rooms
Learn how to reserve and borrow one of our group study rooms. Remember to moderate your tone of voice and follow the rules of use.
If you are a student of official studies of degree, master or doctorate you can borrow a laptop from the library for a week. Check the laptop models we have for you.
Interlibrary loan
If you are interested in an article, book chapter or book that we do not have in our collection, we can help you.
Thanks to the Consortium of Valencian Public University Libraries you can borrow books from the UJI, the UV, the UMH and the UA.
Electronic books
We have subscribed to many e-books, check Polibuscador to see if they are available in any of our contracted platforms.
Take care of borrowed items and return them on time.
Contact the library if you have any questions or problems with your loan.
If you have lost or damaged a borrowed item, please send us a Policonsulta to find a solution.