Publishing is a fundamental step in the scientific research process since it will allow us to communicate the results of our research. Also our assessment as researchers will be made through the evaluation of the quality and impact of this communication.
The Library can help you select the right journal to maximize the impact of your research.
Publish openly
Open access to scientific publications is one of the pillars of Open Science. We are currently in a moment of change of model of scientific communication, moving from subscription-based access to content to an open access model. In addition, more and more research funding agencies are forcing to open the results of the projects they fund, for example, those who subscribe COARA, such as the European Commission, and therefore applies to Horizon Europe program.
To facilitate the fulfillment of these mandates and increase the visibility of scientific production, the UPV is signing transformative agreements with the main academic publishers. On the other hand, we have also signed other type of agreements to reduce the cost of open access publication for our researchers.
Funding agency requirements for open access publication
It is mandatory for all beneficiaries of public R&D&I grants, both national and Horizon Europe, open deposit of scientific publications produced within the framework of the research funded by these programs. In addition, the European Commission continues to consolidate the open repository of the research data produced in the framework of the projects. If you have a research project and you have a grant from FP7, H2020, Horizon Europe or the State Plan, your publications must be available in open access.
Before publishing:
- Check out the options for publishing in open access.
- Consult the open access policy of the journals and publishers, check that the embargo period is within the range allowed by the funding agency and make sure you can meet their requirements. For international journals consult Sherpa/Romeo and for Spanish journals Dulcinea.
- Make sure all identifications are correct: author’s name and ORCID, affiliation, and grant name and code.
Once published:
- Enter the published version, the final pdf file, and the author’s version also called postprint, of the work in Senia2. The Library will manage the dissemination of the work in Riunet, the institutional repository in accordance with the journal’s copyright policy.
Where to publish
Choosing the journal in which to publish is very important for the recognition of the researcher, since the main evaluation agencies (CNEAI, ANECA) take into account the evidences of quality of their publications for the assessment of researchers. Furthermore, articles published in higher quality journals are more likely to receive citations.
More information:
- Guide for the preparation of six-year research terms
- Publish http://poliscience.blogs.upv.es/investigadores-2/
- APEi report on how to publish in high impact scientific journals
Seminars held at the UPV:
- Publish your research with Elsevier https://riunet.upv.es/handle/10251/49625
- Publish your research with Springer https://riunet.upv.es/handle/10251/49288
- Publish your research with Wiley https://riunet.upv.es/handle/10251/49949
Signature standardization
To avoid the appearance of an author’s name with multiple variants in a database, which makes it difficult to locate his or her works and citations, it is necessary for the author to standardize his or her signature. For more information Scientific signature. Use of ORCID and other scientific identifiers..