Opening hours

Monday to Friday: from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Weekends: from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (October – June)

Holidays and special opening hours. Check the calendar:


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Subject selections

Check the latest subject selections organized by the Library. More at bibcraigandia blog.


The Gandia Campus Library has a collection of more than 30,000 items related to the teaching and research areas of this Campus.

Course reading list

The collection includes all the bibliography recommended in degrees/masters. This bibliography can be located through Polibuscador by entering the name or code of the subject.

The collection is open access and includes monographs, reference works, maps, language books, literature, films, videos, and multimedia materials.


The collection of specialized paper journals can be consulted:

  • The last numbers received can be consulted in the hall of the library or in the monthly post.
  • The journal collection can be consulted in the “Hemeroteca”, space located on the 2nd floor.

From Polibuscador you can also access the collection of electronic journals (Access to these resources from outside the UPV using the  VPN)

Leisure collection

Film Library

More than 3,000 titles of classic and current films are available, as well as special editions in DVD and Blu-Ray format.

Check and book the titles in  Polibuscador or find them in the 8-88 Film Library shelves, on the ground floor of the Library.

Travel Guides

Tourism guides collection is available on the 6-22 Travel Guides shelves located on the first floor of the Library.

Titles and destinations can be consulted and booked at  Polibuscador.


Collection of language learning materials (English, French, Spanish, Valencià and more) is available on the 0-40 Languages shelves.

In addition, you can find in other languages, literature, and leveled readings in the 0-43 Language readings shelves.


The Library has a large collection of mainly novels but also a selection of poetry that you can find on the first floor in 0-32 Literature.


The comics collection has a special place in the collection (TBO Comics shelves on the first floor).

To check this collection, we recommend visiting the posts dedicated to comics in the bibcraigandia blog.

Science Fiction

A selection dedicated to Science Fiction novels and comics has been created within the Literature collection.

For more information, we recommend to read:

Spaces and equipment

More than 400 study spaces are available on the 3 floors of the Library.

Study rooms

The Library has study rooms with a total of 324 study places distributed in:

  • 189 study places in the ground floor study room (individual light and access to electrification/network)
  • 80 study places in the first floor study room (access to electrification/network)
  • 54 study places in the second floor study room: (individual light, access to electrification/network, and 4 seats with computer for consultation)

Group study rooms

The Library has 10 group study rooms for 2/10 people.

  • All the group study rooms are bookable from app MiUPV.
  • All of them have a blackboard and, in addition, the group study rooms on the 2nd floor have viewing screen.
    • Ask for at the counter marker/eraser kit and/or HDMI cable/TV remote control kit.

Group work spaces

The Library has several group work spaces, which can only be reserved at the desk for work groups and/or at the disposal of the PDI for classes/seminars.

Group work spaces:

  • Space with 12 study places (on the ground floor)
  • Space with 16 study places (on the first floor)
  • Space with 8 study places (on the second floor)

Spaces with special collections

  • Project room: space with 16 study places where the collection of Final Projects in paper/CD format is located.
  • Journal library: a space with 18 study places where the journal collection in paper format is and as well the 9-60 collection, donated by Mª José Viñals.

Computers for personal use

  • Ground floor: 1 computer workstation for consultation with  Polilabs  which incorporates UPV software and Internet access.
  • First floor (Project Room): 1 A3 scanner and 1 computer to search Final Degree Projects (PFC) before 2011.
  • Second floor: 4 computers.


If you have any questions, ask us!


Gandia Campus Library CRAI

Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia Universitat Politècnica de Valencia

Building H
C/ Sèquia del Rei, s/n.
46730 GANDIA (Valencia)

Tel. 96 284 93 04 Ext. 49304 – 49354

How to get there