Industrial Engineering Library
Opening hours
Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm
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- UPDATE. The Industrial Engineering Library closes on the morning of October 30.Due to adverse weather conditions in various access infrastructures to the UPV, the library will be closed on Wednesday 30th October. Sorry for the inconvenience Share: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Pinterest
More news about UPV Libraries
- UPV Library reopens with full activityFriday, the alerts will be lifted in the three UPV campuses. The Library will reopen as usual of March 7
- Book collection campaign at the UPV LibrariesAid to school libraries affected by the DANA from February 24 to March 12
- Second installment of the upv podcast “Tsundoku. Books and literature”The Library participates with a section where it recommends “The Burning Library” by Susan Orlean.
Special Collections
Industrial Engineering Library collection includes the documents of the course reading lists of the School degrees, specialized monographs for the development of teaching and research in Industrial Engineering, language learning books, reference works, Final Projects, etc. All this material can be located through PoliBuscador.
Digital Library

The electronic collection consists of:
Electronic books
We have access to ebooks from different portals, more intended for study, such as ODILO, Dawsonera o IngebooK, as well as more research-oriented portals, such as SpringerLink o ScienteDirect. For more information on the operation of each portal, please refer to the following library guides.
Electronic journals
They can be located alphabetically, by title or ISSN through the following search form. In addition here we have the list of e-journals specialized in Engineering and Applied Sciences.
From Polibuscador, in Databases section, you can see the list of databases to which the Library provides access, filtering by subject. The most prominent databases are:
- Aernormás which allows access to the full text of all UNE standards.
- IEEE Xplore specialized in electrical and electronic engineering
- Visible Body: A specialized resource in Anatomy, very useful for the study of Biomedical Engineering.
- SCOPUS: A multidisciplinary resource that allows you to locate references to articles, through the citations they have received.
- Web Of Science: Another multidisciplinary database that uses bibliographic citations to locate references of interest.
It is the institutional repository of the UPV, within it, we can find documents in open (full text) or closed (without access to content). Among other things, we can find:
- Bachelor’s Theses and Master’s Theses, of all degrees, for more information on the Theses of the School of Industrial Engineering , you can access to this section.
- PDI Research articles, conferences, etc.
- Doctoral Theses
Course reading lists

From PoliBuscador you can consult the list of recommended titles in the subjects of the different degrees taught at the ETSII (School of Industrial Engineeering) and their availability, access the full digital text or check the available copies of the physical copies in the different libraries of the UPV.
ETSII Degrees in Polibuscador
Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering
Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Organization Engineering
Bachelor’s Degree in Energy Engineering
Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering
Bachelor’s Double Degree in Data Science + Industrial Organization Engineering
Master’s Degree in Project Management
Master’s Degree in Advanced Engineering in Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering
Master’s Degree in Industrial Constructions and Installations
Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering
Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering (Access from I. Mechanical Engineering Degree)
Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering (Access from Degree in Electrical Engineering)
Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering (Access from Degree I. Chemistry)
Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering (Access from Degree in Energy I.)
Master’s Degree in Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development
Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering
Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering (Access from I. Degree in Industrial Organization)
Master’s Degree in Industrial Safety
Master’s Degree in Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection
Industrial Legislation

Access to the regulations is through the Iberlex database, prepared by the State Agency of the BOE. By clicking on the link of a provision, the complete text appears and at the bottom a legal analysis with the different modifications, extensions, repeals… that affect it.
Resources of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce
Industrial Safety Legislation. Contains Industrial Safety regulations developed by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce (national legislation, directives, notified bodies, links).
Registration of electrical and electronic equipment. Legislation and practical information.
Law 14/2007 of July 3, of Biomedical Research.
Law 14/2011 of June 1, of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Royal Decree 2132/2004 of October 29, which establishes the requirements and procedures to request the development of research projects with stem cells obtained from surplus pre-embryos.
ORDER SCO/393/2006 of February 8, establishing the organization and operation of the Banco Nacional de Lineas Celulares (National Bank of Cellular Lines).
ORDER SCO/1245/2006 of April 18, 2004, which develops Royal Decree 339/2004, of February 27, 2004, on the accreditation of health research institutes.
Royal Decree 1591/2009 of October 16, which regulates medical devices.
Royal Decree 1662/2000 of September 29, on medical devices for “in vitro” diagnosis.
Order IET/631/2012 of March 29, which introduces a territorial exception in the mechanism to promote the use of biofuels for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013.
Royal Decree 459/2011 of April 1, which sets the mandatory biofuel targets for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013.
Royal Decree 61/2006: The Company’s Board of Directors, of January 31, which determines the specifications for gasoline, gas oil, fuel oil and liquefied petroleum gas and regulates the use of certain biofuels.
Order ITC/2877/2008 of October 9, which establishes a mechanism to promote the use of renewable biofuels for transportation purposes.
Order ITC/3292/2008 of November 14, which modifies the system for the automatic determination of the pre-tax sales tariffs of liquefied petroleum gases through pipelines.
Resolution of December 3, 2008. The new sales prices, before taxes, of liquefied petroleum gases through pipelines are made public by the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines.
Royal Decree 751/2011 of May 27th , which approves the Structural Steel Instruction (SEA).
Royal Decree 1247/2008 of July 18, which approves the structural concrete instruction (EHE-08).
Royal Decree 956/2008 of June 6, which approves the instruction for the reception of cements (RC-08).
Order FOM/1635/2013 of September 10, which updates the Basic Document DB-HE “Energy Saving” of the Technical Building Code, approved by Royal Decree 314/2006 of March 17.
E.O. 22/2011 of July 28, on waste and contaminated soils.
Royal Decree 243/2009 of February 27, which regulates the supervision and control of shipments of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel between Member States or coming from or going outside the Community.
Atmospheric pollution.
Royal Decree 1315/2005 The Act of November 4, 2005, which establishes the bases for the monitoring and verification systems of greenhouse gas emissions in the installations included in the scope of application of Law 1/2005, of March 9, 2005, which regulates the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system.
Environmental noise.
Royal Decree 1367/2007 The acoustic zoning, quality objectives and acoustic emissions are regulated by Law 37/2003, of October 19, 2003, which develops Law 37/2003, of November 17, 2003, on Noise, as regards acoustic zoning, quality objectives and acoustic emissions.
Environmental Code. These are Compilations of the main regulations in force in the legal system related to the environmental sector in electronic format.
Royal Legislative Decree 1/2008. The Company’s Environmental Impact Assessment Law of January 11, which approves the rewritten text of the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment of projects.
Law 2/2006 of May 5, on pollution prevention and environmental quality.
Law 9/2006 of April 28, on the evacuation of the effects of certain plans and programs on the environment.
Law 27/2006 of July 18, regulating the rights of access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters (transposing Directives 2003/4/EC and 2003/35/EC).
Industrial Property
Royal Decree 1431/2008 of August 29, amending certain regulatory provisions on industrial property.
Gas sector
Sgas system.
Gas code. These are Compilations of the main regulations in force in the legal system related to the gas sector in electronic format.
Resolution of November 11, 2008. The General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, which approves the Winter Action Plan for the operation of the gas system.
Resolution of July 25, 2006. The General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, which regulates the conditions of assignment and the procedure for the application of interruptibility in the gas system.
Technical management.
Resolution of October 23, 2008 of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, which modifies the Technical Management System Standard NGTS-06 and the detailed protocols PD-07 and PD-08.
Natural gas.
Resolution of July 3, 2008 of the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines, whereby the maximum prices of the last resort tariff for natural gas are made public.
Regulated activities.
Order ITC/4099/2005 of December 27, which establishes the remuneration of regulated activities in the gas sector.
Order ITC/3996/2006 of December 29, which establishes the tolls and fees associated with third-party access to gas facilities.
Technical management.
Order ITC/3126/2005 of October 5, which approves the technical management standards for the gas system.
Technical management.
Order ITC/3126/2005 of October 5, which approves the technical management standards for the gas system.
Electrical and electronics
Electrical and electronic equipment.
Royal Decree 208/2005 of February 25, on electrical and electronic equipment and the management of its waste.
Electric power.
Royal Decree 1578/2008. The Company’s Board of Directors has approved the Royal Decree 661/2007, of September 26, 2007, on the remuneration of the activity of electricity production through photovoltaic solar technology for installations after the deadline for maintaining the remuneration of Royal Decree 661/2007, of May 25, 2007, for said technology.
Royal Decree 1027/2007 of July 20, which approves the Regulation of Thermal Installations in Buildings. RITE (as amended).
Resolution of July 13, 2006. In this regard, the General Secretariat of Energy, by which errors are corrected in that of May 24, 2006, which approves the rules of operation of the daily and intraday electric power production market.
Energy exchange.
Order ITC/4112/2005. The Company is a member of the Board of Directors of the Company’s Board of Directors, of December 30, which establishes the applicable regime for intra-Community and international exchanges of electric energy.
Electrical equipment.
Resolution of October 7, 2005 of the Directorate General for Industrial Development, updating Annex I of the resolution of October 14, 2002, of the Directorate General for Technological Policy, which publishes the harmonized standards and includes the national standards that meet the safety requirements for electrical equipment intended for use within certain voltage limits.
Electricity sector.
Royal Decree 337/2014 of May 9, which approves the Regulation on technical conditions and safety guarantees in high voltage electrical installations and its Complementary Technical Instructions ITC-RAT 01 to 23.
Royal Decree 223/2008 of February 15, which approves the Regulation on technical conditions and safety guarantees in high voltage power lines and its complementary technical instructions ITC-LAT 01 to 09.
Royal Decree 1432/2008 of August 29, establishing measures for the protection of avifauna against collision and electrocution on high voltage power lines.
Royal-Decree-Law 3/2006 of February 24, which modifies the matching mechanism for energy sale and purchase bids submitted simultaneously to the daily and intraday production market by parties in the electricity sector belonging to the same business group.
Royal Decree-Law 7/2006 of June 23, which adopts urgent measures in the energy sector.
Royal Decree 842/2002 of August 2, which approves the Low Voltage Electrotechnical Regulations.
Electricity tariff.
Resolution of July 4, 2008. The General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, which modifies the technical management standards of the system NGTS-6 “distribution” and NGTS-07 “balance”, the detailed protocol PD-02 “general criteria for the preparation of distribution procedures” and approves the detailed protocol PD-11 “distribution procedure at entry points to the transmission grid”.
Order ITC/3801/2008 of December 26, 2009, revising the electricity tariffs as of January 1, 2009.
Royal Decree 485/2009. The Company’s Electricity Act of April 3, which regulates the implementation of the last resort supply in the electric energy sector.
Industrial Safety
Pressure apparatus.
Royal Decree 2060/2008 of December 12, which approves the regulation of pressure equipment and its complementary technical instructions.
Royal Decree 366/2005 of April 8, which approves the complementary technical instruction MIE AP – 18 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation, referring to loading and inspection facilities for cylinders of self-contained breathing apparatus for underwater activities and surface work.
Resolution of August 24, 2005. The Technical Criteria for establishing minimum technical conditions to be met by auxiliary distribution magazines, as defined in Article 190 of the Explosives Regulations, is approved by the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines.
Order PRE/252/2006 of February 6, which updates Complementary Technical Instruction No. 10, on the prevention of serious accidents, of the Explosives Regulations.
Royal Decree 1644/2008 of October 10, which establishes the rules for the commercialization and putting into service of machinery.
Prevention of occupational hazards.
Royal Decree 604/2006. The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the management of the Company’s risk prevention and prevention services, as well as for the management of the Company’s risk prevention and prevention of accidents.
Construction products.
Royal Decree 312/2005 of March 18, which approves the classification of construction products and construction elements according to their reaction and resistance to fire properties.
Fire safety.
Royal Decree 2267/2004 of December 3, which approves the fire safety regulations for industrial establishments.
Mining safety.
Order ITC/101/2006 of January 23, which regulates the minimum content and structure of the health and safety document for the extractive industry.
Hazardous substances.
Royal Decree 1802/2008 of November 3, amending the Regulation on notification of new substances and classification, packaging and labeling of hazardous substances, approved by Royal Decree 363/1995 of March 10, 1995, in order to adapt its provisions to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Royal Decree 255/2003 of February 28, which approves the Regulation on the classification, packaging and labeling of dangerous preparations.
Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC.
Digital Terrestrial Television
National technical plan.
Royal Decree 776/2006, Royal Decree 1287/1999, of June 23, amending Royal Decree 1287/1999, of July 23, approving the National Technical Plan for Digital Terrestrial Sound Broadcasting, and Royal Decree 424/2005, of April 15, approving the Regulation on the conditions for the provision of electronic communications services, universal service and user protection.
General regulations.
Royal Decree 945/2005. The Company’s Board of Directors has approved the General Regulations for the Provision of Digital Terrestrial Television Service, dated July 29.
Technical regulations.
Order ITC/2476/2005. The Company’s technical and service provision regulations for digital terrestrial television were approved on July 29, 2001.
Royal Legislative Decree 2/2008 of June 20, which approves the revised text of the Land Law.
Technical inspection of vehicles.
Correction of errors of Royal Decree 711/2006. The Royal Decree of June 9, amending certain Royal Decrees relating to the technical inspection of vehicles (ITV) and the homologation of vehicles, their parts and pieces, and also amending the General Vehicle Regulations, approved by Royal Decree 2822/1998, of December 23, 1998.
Digital tachographs.
Royal Decree 425/2005 of April 15, which establishes the technical requirements and performance standards to be met by the technical centers for the inspection of digital tachographs.
Transportation of goods.
Royal Decree 1202/2005. The Company is a member of the Spanish National Customs Commission, of October 10, on the transportation of perishable goods and special vehicles used in such transports.
Vehicles homologations.
Royal Decree 604/2006. The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the management of the Company’s risk prevention and prevention services, as well as for the management of the Company’s risk prevention and prevention of accidents.
Order ITC/1620/2008 of June 5, updating Annexes I and II of Royal Decree 2028/1986, of June 6, 1986, on the rules for the application of certain EC directives relating to the type approval of motor vehicles, trailers, semi-trailers, motorcycles, mopeds and agricultural vehicles, as well as parts and components of such vehicles.
Order ITC/743/2009 of March 20, updating Annexes I and II of Royal Decree 2028/1986, of June 6, 1986, on the rules for the application of certain EC directives relating to the type approval of motor vehicles, trailers, semi-trailers, motorcycles, mopeds and agricultural vehicles, as well as parts and components of such vehicles.
Vehicles. License plates.
Order ITC/1535/2006 of May 16, which partially modifies the Order of September 20, 1985, on the installation and approval of license plates for motor vehicles and trailers.
Access to the regulations is through the DOCV portal (Official Journal of the Valencian Community). By clicking on the link to a provision, the full text appears and at the top a link to the legal analysis with the various amendments, extensions, repeals… that affect it.
LAW 14/2018 of June 5, of the Generalitat, on the management, modernization and promotion of the industrial areas of the Valencian Community.
Information note on the Resolution of July 2, 2015.,of the Directorate General of Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises, which updates the list of standards of the Complementary Technical Instruction ITC-ICG 11 of the Technical Regulations for the Distribution and Use of Gaseous Fuels,approved by Royal Decree 919/2005, of July 28, 2005.
RESOLUTION of April 17, 2007 of the General Directorate of Industrial Safety and Consumption, which modifies the annexes of the Orders of July 17, 1989 of the Regional Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, and February 12, 2001 of the Regional Ministry of Industry and Commerce, on minimum content of industrial and industrial facility projects.. [2007/6393]
RESOLUTION of February 28, 2007 of the Directorate General of Industrial Safety and Consumption, which modifies the annexes of the Orders of July 17, 1989 of the Regional Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, and February 12, 2001 of the Regional Ministry of Industry and Commerce, regarding minimum content of industrial and industrial facility projects. [2007/3027]
Industry Observatory
Decree 59/2006 of May 5, of the Consell, by which the Industry Observatory and Valencian Economic Sectors.
Noise Pollution
Decree 43/2008 of April 11, of the Consell, which amends Decree 19/2004, of February 13, of the Consell, which establishes rules for the control of noise produced by motor vehicles, and Decree 104/2006, of July 14, of the Consell, of noise pollution planning and management.
Pollution and Environmental Quality
Decree 208/2010 of December 10, of the Consell, which establishes the minimum content of the documentation required for the preparation of the reports for the studies of environmental impact.
Decree 201/2008 of December 12, of the Consell, which regulates the environmental intervention in the public facilities of wastewater sanitation.
Law 2/2006 of May 5, on the Prevention of the Pollution and Environmental Qualityl.
Virtual shelving

What are virtual shelves:
These are a selection of e-books specialized in subjects related to the degrees taught at the School.
How to access:
All you have to do is open the digital bookshelf and click on the link below the book you want to download.
If you are at the University accessing with a mobile device, remember to connect the WIFI of the UPV. In case you are outside the university, you must have installed the VPN.
Remember that you can access all subscribed e-books from PoliBuscador> Digital Library, selecting eBooks from the drop-down menu.
Spaces and equipment
The Industrial Engineering Library has a surface area of 500 m.2 and 249 reading stations.
Study room
218 study room seats
1 adapted study place
Individual study area
30 individual study places
Computers and other equipment
1 computer for catalog consultation
Electrified tables
Anti-theft system
If you have any questions, ask us!
Industrial Engineering Library
Polytechnic University of Valencia
ETS Industrial Engineers (ETSII)
Building 5F, Ground Floor
Camino de Vera s/n
46022 Valencia (Spain)
Tel. 96 387 81 34 Ext. 78134
How to get there