Panorama UPV is the portal of the scientific production and activity of the Universitat Politècnica de València.
The portal is mainly fed by the contents managed in the institutional system (Senia) which moreover are supplemented with reliable sources such as Web of Science or Scopus. As a result, Panorama UPV allows the search of production at the level of author, research group, funded project, publications or artistic and architectural creation, also offering the option of six-year reports as a starting point for the development of evaluation requests.
In a first phase, it is born as a functional prototype BETA focused on scientific production, but with the intention of improving functionalities in a second phase and broadening the scope of the portal to include teaching activities.
Panorama has a two-fold objective: on the one hand, to publicly display the contributions of the university in the form of publications, contracts, patents, research structures, artistic creations, etc. On the other hand, the portal provides support to research staff so that they have access to extended information on the impact of their production in order to use it in the justification of merits in various calls for proposals.
Scientific production and activity
Panorama UPV is a gateway to the profiles of all the researchers at the university. It offers an exhaustive visualization of their publications, research projects, professional trajectory and scientific impact. It also shows all publications and projects associated with each structure.
Research assessment reports
This tool performs a series of automatic queries to different databases, through doi, and offers a proposal of impact and quality indicators that can be used as a basis for the preparation of the application for the six-year period, accreditation and other evaluation processes. To obtain this report it is necessary to do it through poli[solicita].