Civil Engineering Library
Openning hours
Monday to Friday: 8:00 am – 9:00 pm
Holidays and special schedules. Please refer to the calendar:

Don’t miss the latest news and updates from the Biblioteca de Caminos
- Secure your laptopIn all UPV Libraries we lend you a laptop lock, to be used only in the library.
More news about UPV Libraries
- UPV Library reopens with full activityFriday, the alerts will be lifted in the three UPV campuses. The Library will reopen as usual of March 7
- Book collection campaign at the UPV LibrariesAid to school libraries affected by the DANA from February 24 to March 12
- Second installment of the upv podcast “Tsundoku. Books and literature”The Library participates with a section where it recommends “The Burning Library” by Susan Orlean.
Special Collections
The Library has a collection of nearly 13,000 items including monographs, reference works, language books and multimedia material. There is a collection of final projects and also a collection of journals.
Course reading lists

Bachelor’s Degrees
Double Degree

The Library has its own collection of journals in paper format that can be consulted in the room and can also be lent for seven days.
The latest issues are on display in the Novelty Corner of our Library. For the rest, please ask at the front desk.
Academic papers

Proyectos Final de Carrera
The School’s PFCs have been available on CD-ROM since 2003 at the counter of the Road Library.
They can be located by performing a search from PoliBuscador.
Bachelor’s Theses
The Bachelor’s thesis (or TFG) are located at Riunet since 2014 and can be consulted from its open collection (access to the full text) or its closed collection (access to bibliographic data).
Master’s Theses
The Master’s theses (or TFM) of the School of Civil Engineering have been deposited in Riunet since 2015. The previous ones are on CD-ROM in the Civil Engineering Library.
Spaces and equipment
It has an area of 684 m2 and has a total of 129 reading stations.
Study room
- 90 seats in room
- 54 positions incollective tables electrified
- 36 positions inindividual tables
- 4 individual adapted seats

Group study rooms
We have4 cabins group work with the following monitors for laptop connection, with capacity for 8 people each and with the possibility of reservation for teaching use.

Journal reading area
We have an area for the consultation of new monographs as well as the latest issues of the journals.

Computer stations
1 computer workstation for catalog consultation and Internet access