How to book a group study room?

A new feature of this academic year 2024-25 at the Gandia CRAI Campus Library is the possibility of booking and accessing to the group study rooms through the miUPV app.

How to book your group study room?

This simple process ensures you can secure your study space quickly and efficiently.

Keyless entry: door opening technology

One of the outstanding features of this new service is the keyless opening of the cabins. The room key will be securely stored on your mobile device once the reservation has been made and the designated time has arrived. Make sure you have Bluetooth or NFC enabled and, when you bring your mobile device close to the booth lock, it will automatically unlock, providing you with quick and hassle-free access to your studio space.

Shared responsibility: release your cabin if you don’t need it

It is important to release the booths if you do not need them. This allows other students to take advantage of these valuable study spaces and contributes to an equitable use of resources.

Questions or concerns? We are here to help

You can find all the information about this service in the section Reservation of cabins.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.