A Scival workshop will be held on November 19 from 12:30 to 14 hours. It will be held in a place yet to be determined.
During the workshop, the Elsevier trainer will present Scival, the most comprehensive research performance analysis tool developed by Elsevier. SciVal provides powerful insight into the research performance of institutions, researchers and research groups alike, enabling strategic decisions with the most information available. In this workshop, we will explore how to leverage SciVal’s extensive data, sourced from Scopus, to analyze the latest research trends, compare performancewith that of our counterparts;visualize the collaboration networks e identify areas of research emerging.
SciVal provides the tools necessary to understand and improve research impact, and is useful for both a researcher and an administrator. At the end of this session, you will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to effectively navigate SciVal’s features and apply your knowledge to advance your research objectives.