News on opening hours and services at @BiblioUPV

First of all, remember the general recommendation for Vera Campus and Gandia Campus: do not come to the UPV by private transport, and only come if necessary.


Gandia and Alcoy maintain their usual opening hours.
In Valencia, the Central Library of Valencia remains open with its usual opening hours, although it is advisable, before coming, to consult the opening hours section of the UPV Library website to access the latest information, both of Central Library and the rest of the libraries of Vera Campus.


If you have loans, don’t worry: the loan dates have been extended and will continue to be extended if necessary, so that you don’t have to go to the UPV. You can check in My Library, or through the App in ‘menu>polibuscador’, all the information about your loans.

Do you have questions or queries?

The chat service is extended until 20:00 pm. Any questions or queries you may have via chat or through PoliConsulta.

Take care.