Ubuntu Photobook Exhibition

Itinerant exhibition on the Ubuntu photobook made for Medicus Mundi by photographer Roger Grasas and Medicus Mundi project manager Ivan Zahinos.

The exhibition is based on the UBUNTU philosophy as a thread to talk about the development cooperation that Medicus Mundi has been doing in Mozambique for more than 20 years.

Based on a trip to northern Mozambique, during which the author visited various projects implemented by Medicus Mundi Mediterrània, this photobook explores the footprint of the ancestral philosophy of ubuntu. In contrast to an accelerated and hyper-technological world, where human beings have lost their connection with nature, African ubuntu stands as a worldview and an ethical system that prioritizes community over individualism. Focusing on the delicate semantic pulse between naïve utopias and empty stereotypes, UBUNTU analyzes diverse human practices -from work to creativity, care and health- to reveal the possible lights and shadows of societies as atavistic as they are multifaceted.