Opening hours

Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Holidays and special hours. Check the calendar:


Don’t miss the latest news from the Business and Geomatics Library

  • Secure your laptop
    In all UPV Libraries we lend you a laptop lock, to be used only in the library.
  • Device loan
    Do you have a class or an exam and forgot your compass or calculator? Don’t worry, the library will lend you these and other devices for a full day

More news about UPV Libraries


The library collection of the Business Faculty and Geomatics School is organized by subject in open access, including the specialized course reading lists for the degrees taught in both centers.


The library collection of Business Faculty and Geomatics School is organized by subject in open access, including the specialized bibliography necessary for the degrees taught in both centers.

Every book in the library has a combination of numbers and letters on the spine label. You will also find this information, called a shelfmark, when searching the catalog.

Thus,  0-11/17 K Linear algebra and its applications / David C. Lay, indicates that:

– 0-11 is the Algebra shelf

– 17 is the number of the item

– K means the Business and Geomatics Library

To find the bibliographic information, you can consult the catalog Polibuscador.

Digital Library

The UPV Library allows its university community to access online to all electronic resources in full text through  Polibuscador.

Polibuscador provides access to databases, e-books and e-journals, as well as to the bibliographic catalog and RiuNet.

Spaces and equipment

Individual study room

The library has 105 study places with power outlets, two of which are adapted stations.

Group study room

Free-access group study room with 36 study places and Wi-Fi.


-1 computer with free access.

-1 PoliBuscador query computer.

Contact us


Business – Geomatics Library

Universitat Politècnica de València
Building 7J (annex to the Faculty of Business Administration and Management)
Camino de Vera s/n
46022 Valencia (Spain)

Tel. 96 387 99 26  Ext.  79926-78859

How to get there