Riunet is the Institutional Repository of the Universitat Politècnica de València. Managed by the Library, it provides access to the scientific, academic and corporate production of the university community, facilitating its visibility and ensuring its preservation;
RiuNet responds to the University’s commitment to open access, materialized in its Institutional Policy, in which it requests its members to deposit their academic and scientific publications in RiuNet, and recommends their authors to publish the results of their research in journals with open access policies.
The content of RiuNet is classified into four collections:
It contains documents generated by the University’s professors and researchers, articles, conferences, doctoral theses, monographs, theses, datasets, software, as well as electronic journals and conference proceedings published by the University.
In this collection we can find learning objects created by the faculty: Polimedias, virtual laboratories and teaching articles, as well as students’ final year, bachelor’s and master’s degree theses.
It gathers informative, normative or administrative documents, generated by the centers, units and services of the University. It includes working documents, activity reports, rules and regulations, inaugural lectures, etc.
The collections of historical documents and specific collections of the Universitat Politècnica de València, as well as donations from institutions that have an agreement with the UPV, Luis Giménez Lorente Foundation Maps and the Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Valencia (Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country of Valencia).
Advantages of depositing works in RiuNet:
- Dissemination in other harvesters and websites of scientific papers, which gives more citations and visibility to these papers.
- It establishes controls to ensure the quality of the contents and guarantee their durability.
- It complies with the standards that ensure interoperability with other systems, which allows its content to be present in the main Spanish, European and international scientific harvesters, such as Recolecta, OpenAIRE, Google Scholar, DART-Europe, Hispana, OAIster, BASE etc.
Currently, the publications entered in the CRIS of the UPV Senia are automatically disseminated in RiuNet, guaranteeing all the aspects derived from the copyright and rights of the publishers involved. There is also the possibility of manual deposit, which allows the PAS and PDI of the university to self-archive their works directly in RiuNet.
RiuNet is integrated with PoliBuscador, so that a query in this portal will also return records from RiuNet.
For more information, you can contact the library at Policonsulta