Senia is the Research Information System of the UPV.
The application can be accessed in two ways:
- By means of a direct link
- Through the Intranet, \ Research \Research and transfer activity Management \ Senia 2
Bibliographic standardization in Senia
Conference registration
If you need to request the registration of a new conference in our system you need to fill out a Poli[Consulta]. and it will be included in 48 hours.
Journal registration
If you need to request the registration of a new journal in our system you need to fill out a Poli[Consulta].
The data you need to add are:
- Title of the journal
- Publisher
- Peer reviewed (yes/no)
Registration of funders
If you need to request the registration of a new funding agency in our system you need to fill out a Poli[Consulta].
The data to register a funder should be:
- Name of funder
- Acronym of the funder
- Title of the funded project
- Project code
- Add publications in Senia as soon as articles are published. Do not wait until the last minute and take into account rush periods.
- Fill out as much of the form as possible.
Bibliographic review
Gateway between Senia and RiuNet
At the Library, we ensure that the documents in Senia which meet the requirements move on to RiuNet so that they can be harvested by Google Scholar and other sources.
Delegated upload
To make your publications available in RiuNet they need to go through a review process. You can manually add it to Senia or, in the case of documents that are in the Web of Science (WoS), the Library carries out a semi-automatic process via APIs to import them directly to Senia and Riunet. This way you will not have to enter them manually. We will ask you to verify that the contribution is yours before submitting it to RiuNet.
If you need more information, please contact us by e-mail at bibliotecasenia@bib.upv.es.